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Sep 15, 10 tweets

Zooko Wilcox, during his testimony, committed perjury by falsely claiming that he had never worked on Windows in 2009 and that he could not have run Bitcoin due to its incompatibility with Windows. This claim directly contradicts well-documented evidence of his involvement in support and development on the Windows platform during the relevant time period. Publicly available records from that time, which remain accessible online, clearly demonstrate that Zooko was actively engaged in Windows-related development work in 2009, including support tasks and programming efforts.

Zooko’s assertion before the judge that he had no means of running Bitcoin in 2009 because it did not run on Windows is not only inaccurate but also a deliberate attempt to mislead the court. Contrary to his testimony, Bitcoin was capable of running on Windows from its early versions, and Zooko, given his technical background and involvement in the field, would have had the expertise to run Bitcoin on a Windows system during that time. His claim that he lacked the technical ability to engage with Bitcoin is a blatant misrepresentation.


The contradiction between Zooko’s testimony and the documented evidence from 2009 amounts to perjury. The historical records show he was deeply involved in Windows support and development work, and his denial of this in court demonstrates an intentional attempt to distort the facts. His testimony, therefore, cannot be considered credible, as it was given with the intent to deceive the court by downplaying his technical capabilities and involvement with Bitcoin.

Zooko’s false statements were not minor inaccuracies or oversights; they were deliberate fabrications aimed at misleading the judge into believing that he had no association with Windows development or the capacity to run Bitcoin. This level of deception is egregious and constitutes perjury. The available online history clearly refutes his claims, and the fact that he chose to ignore or deny this history under oath demonstrates a serious breach of his duty to tell the truth in court. His perjured testimony should be considered in light of the clear, contradictory evidence that is readily available, showing his extensive work on the Windows platform in 2009.

1. The appeal points to several sources that refute Zooko’s testimony. For instance, a CoinMarketCap article indicates that Satoshi Nakamoto shared the Bitcoin whitepaper with Zooko and other Cypherpunks in October 2008, placing Zooko among the early adopters of Bitcoin. Additionally, Zooko’s own Google+ post from 2009 shows his involvement in discussions with Bitcoin core developers on IRC, where he worked on open-source projects related to Bitcoin. Furthermore, a Twitter post by Zooko acknowledges his early interactions with Satoshi and Hal Finney, further establishing his involvement with Bitcoin during its formative years.

Zooko had access to Windows XP, a 32-bit operating system, during the relevant period. His claim that he could not run Bitcoin in 2009 because it allegedly required a 64-bit platform is demonstrably false. What Zooko needed help with in Windows was related to development on 64-bit platforms, which is still within the realm of Windows. This distinction is crucial because Bitcoin in 2009 did not require 64-bit operations to function. The original Bitcoin client was fully compatible with 32-bit systems, meaning Zooko had both the platform and capability to run Bitcoin at the time. His testimony disregards these facts and misrepresents the technical requirements of Bitcoin, further undermining his credibility.

BitCoin - the spelling that was never used according to the judgement is very clearly listed in the pst by Zooko below.


This relates to his (Zooko's) developments of the Rahoe FS...


Tahoe started in 2009.

Zooko - the individual who swore under oath that he did not use Windows until 2012 built the code for this platform using Windows XP starting in 2009.

It would seem all of this just slipped his mind...

Just like how Zooko ran BitCoin in 2009.

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