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dystopian anthropologist, meme node for the collective consciousness, semiotic seamster and liminal space spelunker.

Sep 15, 2024, 14 tweets

This is Ryan Wesley Routh, the person who attempted to assassinate Trump.

Look what I found

- **(00:00-01:47)**: The speaker, a 56-year-old from the U.S., traveled from Hawaii to Ukraine, seeing the conflict as a clear battle between good and evil. They emphasize the importance of global unity in supporting Ukraine and human kindness.

- **(01:47-03:56)**: Initially intending to fight, the speaker was deemed unsuitable due to age and lack of military experience. Now, they promote recruiting civilians globally to support Ukraine, urging thousands more to join.

- **(03:56-06:22)**: The speaker criticizes complacency in the world, arguing that people must take active steps to defend human rights and not prioritize personal comforts over global crises.

- **(05:05-06:51)**: They express admiration for young people who sold everything to fight for Ukraine and disappointment with humanity’s slow response, questioning if society truly values goodness and selflessness.

- **(07:28-09:49)**: The speaker calls for mass support, regardless of skill level, stressing the need for people to stand with Ukraine in any capacity, even as symbolic cheerleaders for kindness and human rights.

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