Council officers recommend that the Manse Road bus gate is retained, although operating hours will be reduced.
Decision to the made at the TRO sub committee on 23rd.…
A 402 page report addressing the complaints and objections 🤦♂️
How much time is wasted dealing with bullshit objections that have no basis in reality? This claim was debunked within a week of the project going live, yet still it lives on.
Oh look. No concerns from the emergency services.
No concerns from Lothian Buses.
Yes, as has been repeatedly point out, there is a bus service using Manse Road.
No, the project wasn’t expanded.
Pity the poor council officers tasked with dealing with all of this nonsense.
“We need parking. The recently demolished shops* would be great for a community garden and parking”
*to be redeveloped into shops & a care home
Never seen a bus on Manse Road in 43 years? I suspect this person doesn’t actually live in the area.
Reading through these for fun is addictive - just one more, just one more. Can’t imagine having to draft a professional response to some of the crazy claims being made.
Remarkable number of objectors who live on the north side of St John’s Road who are desperately concerned about the additional pollution caused by them having to drive a different route. So nice of them to be considerate of the people in the area’s health.
Has anyone ever before suggested making a school playground smaller in order to accommodate drivers?
Also, that supermarket ship sailed long ago.
Unbelievable number of people outraged that the quiet unspoiled beautiful historic conservation village has been destroyed because they aren’t allowed to drive along one of its quiet historic streets for a few hours on weekdays.
The recurring theme is “of course we’re not against safer streets and reducing vehicle traffic, but our driving has been affected”
Interesting to read that the “drop in walking” observed seems to be entirely accounted for by a fall on Lampacre Road. Excluding that street, walking has *increased* by nearly 7% in the area.
So many of the objections are just this:
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