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Sep 18, 10 tweets

🧵 Here is a tale of two boys who loved to dress up:
Written by @thepeacepoet99

The boy on the left, named Styles, loved Spider-Man so much that he thought he was Spider-Man.

The boy on the right, named Jaron, loved princess dresses so much that he thought he was a girl.


Little Styles, was playing outside & wearing his beloved Spider-Man costume, when he was hit by a car in front of his home.

The seven year old believed that his Spider-Man suit made him become ‘Spider-Man’, & gave him the ‘superpower’ to jump out of the way of the car.


The older sister of the little boy who thought he was Spider-Man, agrees that the boy’s ’Spider-Man’ powers allowed him to save himself from being hit by the car.

She credits his survival to his vivid imagination. She does not, however, think that he is *literally* Spider-Man


This little boy named Jaron, loved to play dress up. He loved sparkles & pink. He loved to dance & sing. He wanted his bowl cut placed into two ponytails.

Because he was a toddler, Jaron thought that this made him a girl. His parents panicked, & tried to turn him into one.


Jaron was a happy toddler who enjoyed dressing up as a princess.

Jaron’s parents did not enjoy their son’s love of pink & sparkles. His mom could hardly speak through her own tears when describing her son’s love of pretty things.

So, she took him to the doctor.


Instead of seeing the boy’s love of twirling in princess dresses, as a sign that he may grow up to be a fashion designer or a dancer-

This boy was conditioned by his parents, doctors & by one news crew after the next that he was really a ‘special girl born with a penis’


The little boy who dressed up as Spider-Man & even thought he *was* Spider-Man was not told that something was wrong with him.

On the contrary, his family celebrated affirmed his love of dress-up because they knew that the child had learned valuable life skills through play.


The boy on the left believed that his ‘Spider-Man’ powers saved his life.

Adults didn’t tell him that his human body was wrong. There wasn’t an entire industry built to surgically alter him into embodying a fiction.

The same can’t be said for the boy on the right.


Instead of allowing Jaron to play dress-up and to learn valuable skills through imaginative play, his parents re-named him ‘Jazz’.

Jazz’s parents & doctors made millions by convincing the beautiful boy that he was born so wrong that only removing his genitals could ‘fix’ him.


Kids often play dress-up as the ‘other’ in order to understand the ‘self’.

When we celebrate imaginative play, our kids learn, grow & thrive.

When we pathologize normal play & stunt it by medicalizing a temporary fantasy into a permanently embodied reality- our kids suffer.


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