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Vice President of the United States. Wife to the first @SecondGentleman. Momala. Auntie. Fighting for the people. Text me: 310-861-2977

Sep 18, 7 tweets

Earlier this year, I convened voting rights leaders to thank them for their work and issue a call to action: Join me on three National Days of Action on Voting Rights to help get Americans registered.

Here's how their organizations took action:

When We All Vote registered people at the iHeartRadio Music Festival, the Atlanta Dream WNBA game, live on Twitch with Questlove and other DJs, through popular apps, and with voter registration drives in 15 states.

The League of Women Voters held over 600 registration events across the country, partnering with libraries, high schools, colleges, and the WNBA.

APIAVote held a text banking party to remind voters to register to vote on National Voter Registration Day, while their state and local partners held voter registration events at boba tea shops, Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, community centers, and college campuses.

As part of its nationwide Vota Con Ganas campaign, Voto Latino Foundation and the Voto Latino On-Campus program partnered with 170+ Latino campus leaders to host registration events and digital activations as part of National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Protect the Sacred hosted a “Ride for Democracy” trail ride in Arizona, helping residents of rural communities and individuals living on Native reservations update their voter registration and register to vote.

I am grateful for these organizers and so many others across our nation who are leading the fight to protect and strengthen our democracy.

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