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I broke the news of the GL scandal and can provide info & evidence to any legit and willing journalist. DMs are open, or email: potuzhna.bavovna@proton.me

Sep 19, 13 tweets

Can anyone explain how @mamulashvili and @NonaMamulashvi ended up as directors of a non-profit in Texas named after @ghlfound... with Richard Sharp as a registered agent, the convicted felon and former ("former" 🙃) "head adjutant to the commander of the @georgian_legion"? 🧵👇

As a reminder, this is Richard Sharp, or "Ed" aka @edwardmurrow666 as he was known in NAFO. His close association with @official_nafo and @apmassaro3 made him extremely popular... until he disappeared without explanation in 2023. 👇

When his criminal record came out, everyone associated with GL was quick to dismiss him as just some random unaffiliated volunteer, despite months of endorsement by people like @the_reshet, @mamulashvili_m, @AdamKinzinger or @apmassaro3. And nearly everyone swallowed it. 👇

Sidenote: this same address is where Sharp registered 2 LLCs last year under the fake name "Richard S Elding".
I have it on good authority that he may have used these to scam a few people, including his former friend @progbullwark who may have introduced him to GL in 2022. 🤭 👇

It's Sharp that @georgian_legion is referencing here, under that other lie.
Was @the_reshet's unending "visit to the USA" perhaps related to the creation of this structure? Could it be why @Mamulashvili_M is now so desperate to "visit" too, rather than vague medical reasons? 👇

You can find the Ukrainian doppelganger of the new Texan @ghlfound charity right here:
@Mamulashvili_M is listed as its co-founder alongside Henry Dzhemalovych Diasamidze. 👇 opendatabot.ua/c/44710328

Quite interestingly, this Henry is the co-founder of another NGO called "BUREAU FOR FIGHTING CORRUPTION AND ORGANIZED CRIME" founded in 2014. Talk about a sense of irony. Details here: 👇 opendatabot.ua/c/39346193

This isn't the only charity that @mamulashvili_m founded in Ukraine. Here is the "Georgian Legion Academy" which was founded just 3 months ago. 👇 opendatabot.ua/c/45542186

Of course, the main "GEORGIAN NATIONAL LEGION" entity cannot be forgotten. It was founded in 2017 by @Mamulashvili_M as well as two other people. Pay close attention to the second. 👇 opendatabot.ua/c/41525559

This Oleg Oleksiiovych Sahanda seems to have a lot of charities in his name, including a number tying into to the @georgian_legion. Seems like a quite the complicated setup, doesn't it?
👇 opendatabot.ua/p/sakhanda-ole…

Anyway... this is where my limited set of skills and time finds its limit. I think I have published more than enough information for journalists to pay interest, and for those who gave @georgian_legion and @Mamulashvili_M uncritical promotion to apologize to the public. 👇

Among outlets that promoted the Georgian Legion previously:
@RFERL @France24_en @UaBabel @KyivIndependent @InsiderEng @KyivPost @ukrpravda_news @pravda_eng @SkyNews @U24_gov_ua @DailyExpressUg @politico @thetimes @TheEconomist @AlJazeeraWorld @MSNBC @MetroUK @BusinessInsider 👇

Я був би вдячний, якби на цю схему звернули увагу українські журналісти-розслідувачі та антикорупціонери.
@bihusinfo @cxemu @nashigroshi @AnnaMyroniuk @TaSamaNagorna @sternenko @igorlachenkov @SymorozOfficial @OKhudetska @grntmedia @VsimPohuy @MelaniePodolyak @YV_Levchenko

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