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a mind forever voyaging

Sep 22, 6 tweets


Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Hershey, PA

JD Vance: For 40 years we haven’t had an opposition party. Now we do.



JD Vance: The New Opposition Party, Saving Rural America, & Why Trump Seeks Advice From His Gardener

[with subtitles, transcript, and chapters]


Another great day in Pennsylvania yesterday!



JD Vance takes the stage to MASSIVE applause in Hershey PA with Tucker Carlson 🇺🇸



"I agree we can all tone down the rhetoric; none of us is perfect, including me. But when Donald Trump has taken two assassination attempts in the last seven weeks, it's not 'both sides' "



"it's not 'both sides' that need to tone down the rhetoric — it's one side in particular."

source at 0:53:53


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