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In tech managing a small SAAS company

Sep 24, 8 tweets

📜Code Wizardry Ahead! Ever wished you could have a method shapeshift like a mythical creature in your code? Welcome to Function Overloading, where methods wear multiple hats! #CodeMagic #WizardryInRuby
🧵thread ⬇️

📚 Once Upon a Module: There was a module named FunctionOverloading. It was no ordinary module; it was the gatekeeper of method multiplicity in Ruby land!

🕵️‍♂️ The Case of the Method Detective: When a method was added, ClassMethods would swoop in like Sherlock to ensure no method was impersonating another:

🌀 The Method Switcheroo: When you call a method, it's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. But here, the rabbit's size (arity) determines which hat (method) it comes from!

It's not magic, it's just Ruby being extra. #NowYouSeeIt

🎭 Acting Classes for Methods: Here's how you train your methods to play different roles:
Each method learns its lines according to the number of actors (arguments). #MethodActing

💡 Why Be Overloaded?
Because You Like Choices: Life's too short for one-dimensional methods.
For the Love of Code: Who doesn't love a method that can multitask like a pro chef?
To Confuse Newbies: Just kidding! It's to make your code elegant and less verbose. #CodeLife

📷 And for a Grand Finale: In the circus of coding, function overloading lets your methods perform acrobatics, juggling different arguments easily. Remember, in the world of Ruby, methods can be anything they want to be. #CodeParty #RubyRazzleDazzle

Oh and here is the script for this:

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