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Patient-led research and advocacy for #LongCovid and infection-associated chronic conditions!

Sep 24, 14 tweets

We are thrilled to release a new preprint on reinfections today!

This paper details the impact of COVID-19 reinfections on both people with and without #LongCovid.

Overall, the odds of Long COVID increase with reinfections.


Those who had 2 COVID infections were 2.14 times more likely, and those who had 3 or more COVID infections were 3.75 times more likely, to report #LongCOVID than those with one infection.


The odds of both severe fatigue and post-exertional malaise, two debilitating symptoms, increased with reinfections. 3/ #LongCovid

The frequency and severity of post-exertional malaise (PEM) increased with reinfections. 4/ #LongCovid

The severity of fatigue, as measured by the Fatigue Severity Scale, also increased with reinfections. 5/ #LongCovid

The odds of having limitations to physical functioning increased with COVID reinfections, including bathing and dressing limitations, limitations to moderate activity such as pushing a vacuum cleaner, and social limitations. 6/ #LongCovid

Reinfections increased the odds of reporting poor immune health, including having had many other infections and taking longer to recover from common infections. 7/ #LongCovid

The number of vaccines and boosters prior to an infection reduced the odds of Long COVID, but their protective effect was diminished by reinfections. 8/

For those who menstruated, reinfections were associated with worsening of ongoing or chronic health issues related to the menstrual cycle.  9/ #LongCovid

The paper is full of interesting findings, but a few others that stand out:

Only a small percentage reported being prescribed antivirals for acute COVID. 10/

Participants were less likely to report getting a COVID test the more reinfections they experienced, likely due to decreased societal testing over time.

However: they were more likely to test if someone around them tested positive. 11/

Trans, nonbinary, agender, and other gender nonconforming people were less likely to report being prescribed medication for acute COVID. 12/ #LongCovid

The co-authors are all PLRC (@patientled) members who are researchers & have #LongCovid, with affiliations at UCSF, Yale, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, U of Wyoming, U of Bern, U of Bristol, @LongCovidChile & Black COVID-19 Survivors Alliance (@BCSAlliance).


@LongCovidChile @BCSAlliance This was a huge effort over years - thank you @leticiasaurus @TheMegascope & @GinaAssaf for leading & @LisaAMcCorkell @ahandvanish Alison Cohen @jannamoen @LG_Shoemaker Leo Liu @dsethlewis @rach_r0bles @rusty_cjm Jerry Lin, Teri Akintonwa, @ssaraviaandre & @herlifeinpixels! 14/

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