Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Sep 25, 9 tweets


Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry.



Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in. This is an amazing story.

Tucker - thank you for shining a light on the most important issues. Childhood chronic disease should be a top issue on the campaign trail.

@CaseyMeansMD and I wrote a book about the problem and a path forward:



@CaseyMeansMD Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health

by Casey Means MD & Calley Means

A bold new vision for optimizing our health now and in the future…

@CaseyMeansMD Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill


@CaseyMeansMD They are lying to you about the birth control pill, Ozempic, the food pyramid, vaccines, and much, much more.



@CaseyMeansMD source at 1:15:39

@CaseyMeansMD “In my training I was never, ever taught to look at the whole patient, to look at how all these things are connected. I was only taught how to do surgery and bill for it."



@CaseyMeansMD "We’re ignoring the root cause of why Americans are sick and we’re profiting off of patients getting sick. That’s the way the business model of healthcare works.”

source at 0:01:48

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