Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Sep 29, 11 tweets


Emotional moment | Lebanese journalist struck by news of confirmed death of Hezbollah leader [Marwa Osman]



Nasrallah had been killed.

She was giving an interview for her propagandist allies from Russia Today



Lebanese “journalist” Marwa Osman cries on air upon hearing the news Nasrallah was killed in an interview with RT. 🤡



the shared clip

Marwa__Osman – a vile and paid propagandist who worked for Hezbollah and Iranian Press TV and was gloating since October 7, interviewed by Russian propaganda outlet



They will cry
Thr same way we cry.
I promise you this.
By the blood of our greatest leader. They will cry.
Psst..get put of Tel Aviv...NOW.



I have NEVER seen Anything like this




This is what Zionists think of our pain.
What they do not understand is, our pain will be what ultimaltely drives them out of our Levant once and for all.
Hide Jason..Sirens are screaming for you to run into that shelter



I've never enjoyed someone's pain more than this. Not ashamed



the supplication of Imam Sajjad Zain al-Abidin

Their secret finds sweetness in the gathering of intimacy, their hearts are secure in the place of fear, and their souls are at peace in returning to the Lord of Lords.

O' Sayyed Hassan



@grok > O' Sayyed Hassan

O' Sayyed Hassan, commonly known as Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was the secretary-general of Hezbollah…

@grok @grok > supplication of Imam Sajjad Zain

Imam Sajjad, also known as Zain al-Abidin, is renowned for his profound supplications, which are compiled in "Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya," often referred to as the Psalms of Islam.…

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