Lucian Ghinda Profile picture
Product Engineer, Ruby on Rails Developer | Co-creator of @ideatifyapp | Curator of @shortrubynews | Writing Ruby email courses at

Oct 2, 11 tweets

Here is a list of community projects and directories try to show a list of companies and products using #Ruby or Ruby on #Rails.

If your company or project utilizes Ruby or any Ruby-based framework, consider adding it to these websites.

These efforts benefit the community by offering job seekers resources and inspiration on what can be built with Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

They are important because they show potential projects and companies for those considering learning Ruby.

1️⃣ is a project by @andycroll that contains organizations that use Ruby on Rails.

You can submit a website directly via the web interface at after creating a new account.

2️⃣ This is an OSS repo created by @alexrudall that contains companies that are using Ruby as a programming language…

3️⃣ is a project created by Gustavo Valenzuela @GV1180 and contains a list of companies using Ruby on Rails from “single-owner startups to industry giants”.

4️⃣ is a project maintained by Yohei Yasukawa @yasulab (and other people by I could not find more data so far) and they display a list of companies using Ruby that fit some specific criteria.
You can add your company by using the Add Your Company button

5️⃣ is a project created by Ganesh K @gkunwar1 and contains a showcase of Ruby on Rails projects made by people from all over the world.
You can add your own company or product via Github issues and choose New Project Submit… is a project created by Calvin Walzel and contains a list of companies that are using Ruby and it adds extra tags if they use Rails, Hotwire and Stimulus.

You can add your company or product by opening a PR at…

is a list of companies currently hiring or that they hired a remote Ruby developer in the last three years. The project is created by Ishan @ekbuilds

I assume being on this list means adding your job ad to the website :)…

I collected all these here on my blog

If you know other directories please write to me here or at to add it to this…

PS: This is not a top :) I added a number in front of some of them just to balance the negative points of including a link in the post with an emoji and an image. I am not 100% sure it makes any difference but I tried it

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