BTS unreleased songs, demos & guide versions every Army should know — a very much needed thread
Adding queen 'decalcomania'
iconic 'disease' English bridge that Jungkook posted WE NEED THIS ON SPOTIFY
'Lie' demo version is so fcking breathtaking
'Black swan' orchestra Ver. will go deep down in history
'boy with luv' hobi's demo version
'Dionysus' - mots: one concert version
Joon's guide version for 'fake love'
tae's untitled song, the lyrics are so beautiful I'm so sad this wasn't in layover :(
Joon's guide version for 'serendipity'
'sleep'💤 by Taehyung (unreleased)
“bts doesn’t make music like this anymore” girl shut the fck up 💀
'young love' from proof (CD only
'Quotation mark' from Proof (CD only)
Never letting go off ' Epiphany ' English demo
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