MilkTeaAllianceCalendar Profile picture
Calendar for the #MilkTeaAlliance to try to help highlight events & Campaigns. Google calendar link in 2nd post in pinned thread.

Oct 4, 2024, 8 tweets

Weekend is here #MilkTeaAlliance & here is the🧵of events we know are happening.

B4 we start this article worth a read on impact of conflict between the AA & Junta in Rakhine on minority communities by @hpanja_brang @EmilyFishbein11 & @myothazin_nwe

@hpanja_brang @EmilyFishbein11 @myothazin_nwe There are only 6 events in the calendar this weekend, nevertheless the ones that are in look good:
1 commemoration date, 3 exhibitions & 2 protests.

Full details can be found here:


@THforPalestine @PSCThailand &
@seriipalestine will hold Solidarity actions for Palestine in Bangkok & Chiang Mai! (see their accounts for March guidelines)
Free Burma action committee - San Francisco hold their weekly solidarity protest for resistance in Burma!

@THforPalestine @PSCThailand @seriipalestine Sun:
Sunday will be the 48th Year since 6 October 1976 massacre (เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา) in Thailand. Where Police & right wing paramilitary mob killed student protesters at Thammasat University.

@6tula2519 are running events to mark the occasion (See their account for details)

@NgoDeiOrg exhibition "Treasure in Decade - Hong Kong Protest"
Kinjai Contemporary hold exhibition "Presumption of Innocence"
W/ @112watch @ThumbRights @TLHR2014 & @iLawFX
@SEAJunction Exhibition “Not Just Labor; Migrant Photo Voices from Thailand Fisheries”

That's all the events for now.

Just one highlight... Green Bean Media's documentary on Chow Hang Tung is defo worth a watch.


Thanks to those who sent us events to highlight recently inc @MTA_Museum @candramertha @BefriaHongKong & @LiaSciortino couldn't do this without y'all.

That's all from us for now #MilkTeaAlliance Take care.
In Love & Solidarity.

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