A new week dawns & so here is the upcoming events 🧵for the week #MilkTeaAlliance. B4 we begin today is the 48th year since the October 6th Massacre at Thammasat University, Thailand. @ManushyaFdn have produced a good explainer on what happened that day
1/ x.com/ManushyaFdn/st…
There are 8 events in the calendar for this week: 3 exhibitions, 3 webinars, 1 workshop & 1 fundraiser.
Full details can be found in the google calendar here:
2/ calendar.google.com/calendar/embed…
@PVamplify with Karenni National Women’s Organization, Karenni Civil Society Network & Union of Karenni State Youth hold launch of paper “Federalism from the Ground Up: The Karenni Model of Nation-State Building” w/ @khinohmar Banya Khung Aung, Alar & Andrea
Wed cont'd:
@VPL @HKHouseOfficial @vankaifong & more host "Cantonese Edition: B.C. Votes and Why Should I Care? 由「住」及興:省選關我乜事?"Learning about provincial government, Why is it important to vote"
@VPL @HKHouseOfficial @vankaifong Thurs:
@SOAS host Panel "The July 2024 Bangladesh uprising: Causes and prospects"
@FreefromTorture hold food & fundraising event "The great street feast" in Manchester.
Thurs Cont'd:
join @OnYourSideUK & @HKLabourRights for webinar "種族歧視、仇恨事件及罪行知多啲 / Learn more about racial discrimination, hate incidents and crimes"
@OnYourSideUK @HKLabourRights Ongoing:
@NgoDeiOrg exhibition "Treasure in Decade - Hong Kong Protest"
Kinjai Contemporary hold exhibition "Presumption of Innocence" W/ @112watch @ThumbRights @TLHR2014
& @iLawFX
@SEAJunction Exhibition “Not Just Labor; Migrant Photo Voices from Thailand Fisheries”
@OnYourSideUK @HKLabourRights @NgoDeiOrg @112watch @ThumbRights @TLHR2014 @iLawFX @SEAJunction That's all the events for now, will keep looking out for more as the week progresses.
Got quite a few highlights before we go:
1st up on 5th Oct Thai Friends @MilkTeaTHA @THforPalestine were out calling for a ceasefire & end of Israeli occupation.
Then @khrg released briefing paper on systemic Torture, killings and threats of violence by the Junta against human rights defenders since coup & some solid contextual background in the intro.
Important read:
Bung Netiporn was posthumously awarded the Charupong Thongsin Award for Democracy
"If we don't fight, we will live like slaves. I don't want to be a slave, whether in this life or any other. I want to die as I have chosen, die with human dignity"-Bung
Lastly @MattersMohinga weekly update on the major events happening in Myanmar is out:
That's all of us for now. Take Care #MilkTeaAlliance
In Love & Solidarity mohingamatters.com/2024/10/06/wee…
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