עמיחי שיקלי - Amichai Chikli Profile picture
Israel Minister of Diaspora and Combating Antisemitism. Married to Hadas and father to Yehonatan, Noga, and Uri.

Oct 6, 10 tweets

UNRWA was meant to operate for only two years, providing assistance to 199,000 Arab refugees in the Gaza Strip from the War of Independence and about 500,000 additional individuals registered as war refugees.
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However, unlike millions of war refugees around the world, the palestinian's refugees were given a privilege that no other group has ever received – they were given the right to pass down their refugee status to future generations, regardless of their political or economic situation. This made the Palestinians the only group in the world that continues to expand the global refugee population, with 5.9 million Palestinian refugees as of 2023 (in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and more).

To understand just how distorted this organization is, UNRWA employs almost twice as many staff as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The eternal refugee status of the Palestinians serves one purpose only: to perpetuate the conflict with Israel and challenge its right to exist through the claim of the “Right of Return.”

UNRWA quickly became the spearhead for indoctrinating young Palestinians into a war of annihilation against Israel and the “re-establishment” of the so-called State of Palestine, all under the guise of a humanitarian organization with the UN’s seal of approval.

Over the years, UNRWA has siphoned billions from European countries, the United States, Canada, and others.

It is impossible to understand the eruption of the volcanic hatred we saw on October 7 without understanding the mechanisms of incitement that operated under UNRWA, from early childhood through to high school, in both formal and informal education: kindergartens, summer camps, elementary schools, high schools, and youth movements.

This is beyond the direct involvement of 12 UNRWA staff members in the massacres and the participation of hundreds in Hamas activities in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon.

UNRWA is a terror entity that operates a propaganda and incitement mechanism not unlike that of Hitler Youth. Money flows to terrorist organizations, and its facilities are often used as a haven for terrorist activities, rockets, and weapons.

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