I'm going to put together a thread covering Kamala Harris's Univision town hall. Follow along for clips and commentary.
The first q Harris fields is about the hurricane response. She says"there has been a lot of mis & disinformation about what we have been doing over the last two weeks and what we are gonna do going forward. And I have to stress that this is not a time for people to play politics"
Harris takes a tearful question from a woman whose mother recently died in part because she was an undocumented immigrant and as a result couldn't get the healthcare she needed. She responds with empathy and by explaining her immigration plan in detail.
Kamala Harris: "I firmly and deeply believe that access to healthcare is a right and should be a right and not just a privilege of those who can afford it ... it's about the dignity of people and about the importance of doing what we can as leaders to alleviate suffering."
this is a very emotional town hall. Harris takes a question from a homeless woman whose life was wrecked by long covid about what she'll do for people like her
Harris gets a question from a man concerned about how Biden was pushed aside and asks her to clarify that process. Harris says Biden "decided to put country above his personal interest" and stresses the importance of the president honoring the oath they take to the Constitution.
Kamala Harris: Did you see the most recent report about the covid tests? Donald Trump during the height of covid -- I'm sure there are people here who had family members that died -- and he secretly shipped off covid tests to Vladimir Putin ... this is an extraordinary time.
Harris explains her economic policies in detail in response to a question about what she'll do for the middle class
the last question Harris fields during her Univision town hall asks her to name three virtues Trump has. Harris cites Trump loving his family but very understandably doesn't seem like has much good to say about him.
whew -- I've been live-tweeting politics all day & still have a newsletter to edit. If you appreciate my efforts to bring you newsy clips this election season, pls subscribe to my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy PN & paid subs make my work possible. Thx! publicnotice.co/subscribe
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