Diana Panchenko 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Journalist of the Year in Ukraine. TV host

Oct 14, 6 tweets

Today I'll introduce the King of sex-industry in Ukraine, Vitaliy Klitchko (@Vitaliy_Klychko).
He controls the biggest network of strip-clubs. 100 brothels only in Kyiv!
He sells hundreds of girls to EU and the US. He sells drugs in Ukraine.
He also under investigation on corruption and state treason.

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Femen arranged meetings against Klitchko and called him a kind of sex-industry.

His brothel “Rio”, according to the journalists, appears in the records of Interpol as a transit supplier of Ukrainian sex slaves on the world market.


Klitschko lives in the same house with two most luxury brothels. And he takes the money himself.

One of them occupies a bomb shelter where people are forced to hide from Russian attacks.

According to journalists, up to 200 girls are being held there.


The National Anti-Corruption Bureau has opened a case against Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko for embezzlement and treason.

Billions of dollars are being stolen from the budget, buildings are being stolen, land is being stolen...


Journalists got jobs at Klitschko's strip club and found out that girls were being forced to have sex with clients.

Private dance $20.
Take girl away $300.


Klitschko started out as a member of the mafia.

He remains one.


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