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Oct 14, 2024, 26 tweets

I'm going to put together a thread covering the Trump town hall event in Oaks, Pennsylvania. Follow along for clips and commentary.

Let me note up top that if you appreciate me watching Trump so you don't have to, please support what I do by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy Public Notice and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks. publicnotice.co/subscribe

Right Side Broadcasting says we need a strong leader who will make the trains run on time

Kristi Noem warms up for Trump: "Kamala Harris sucks. Right? She sucks."

Trump takes a question from a woman who asks him about his plan to bring down grocery prices. He ends up ranting about migrants taking Black jobs and Hannibal Lecter.

Trump says he advises immigrants to who want to become US citizens to just cross the southern border illegally

Cricket could not be reached for comment


Q: What is your plan to help small businesses?

TRUMP: The fact is that you know they want to get away from gas. And I have friends, they're into the cooking world -- I'm not, I just like to eat -- but they're into the cooking. And I don't know how you feel ...

While someone is having a medical emergency at the Trump town hall, a Trump fan yells out, "Joe and the ho gotta go!"

They are now playing Ave Maria at the Trump town hall as someone has a medical emergency in the crowd

lol i missed this one

There is a second medical emergency in the crowd just minutes after the first one. Trump's production team fires up Ave Maria again.

"Turn it up louder!" -- Trump calls for Ave Maria to be played again while his favorite chart is displayed, which he says "I sleep with every night. I kiss it."

Kristi Noem: "Life is hard, but it's harder when you're stupid. I think that perfectly explains Kamala Harris ... can you imagine what it's like to wake up as Kamala Harris?"

Wow -- this was weird. Trump wrapped up his "town hall" in Oaks, Pennsylvania, after just a few questions, and right after he said he would take a few more questions. More music then played while Trump stood around on stage. Deeply bizarre scenes.

they're now playing an opera version of "It's A Man's Man's Man's World" while Trump continues to bob around on stage. words fail.

Trump takes the mic again. He says he'll take another question, changes his mind, and calls Democrats "evil. They're evil."

He then tells his production crew to play YMCA "nice and loud" and wraps it up. Definitely one of the most bizarre Trump events I can recall.

Trump is now just standing on stage while religious music plays

they're now playing Sinéad while Trump bobs around and dances

Trump is still standing on stage bopping around to music fyi

Guns N' Roses is playing now. Can't make it up. Trump is still standing around.

We will all be dust and bones and Trump will still be standing onstage in Oaks, Pennsylvania, bopping around to loud music

i get the vibe they're about 5 minutes from passing around Kool-Aid

Trump gives Kristi Noem a smooch and finally walks off the stage as the end of "November Rain" plays

As George W Bush once said, that was some weird shit. If you appreciate me enduring it so you didn't have to, please show love by signing up for my newsletter. We're doing great indy journalism at PN and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thanks. publicnotice.co/subscribe

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