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Oct 17, 11 tweets

Five Eyes (Thread)

You heard abt Political (UN, EU), Trade (WTO, NAFTA), Religious (OIC) Oil alliance (OPEC) etc

Five Eyes is alliance of intelligence agencies of
1. USA
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Australia
5. New Zealand

This is what Wikipedia says

But We will tell real truth

Every country have multiple intelligence agencies like :

Human intelligence : Where intelligence is gathered by means of human sources and interpersonal contacts like CIA, Mossad, MI5, RAW, KGB, ISI etc

Security intelligence : Which take cares internal security like FBI, IB

Signal Intelligence : intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, like NSA (US), GCHQ (UK), CSE (Canada), DIA and SID (India)

Defense Intelligence : Military intelligence units

Geospatial Intelligence : This one is new, intelligence about human activity on earth

derived from the exploitation and analysis of imagery, signals, or signatures with geospatial information.

Each and every country have these intelligence units

Five Eyes is alliance on all these intelligence units of these five countries

It was established in 1971 with code name ECHELON as a surveillance system to monitor the communications of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc

After 9/11 they further expanded it on the name of war on terror

Edward Snowden expose on Five Eyes

Snowden was a computer intelligence consultant, In 2013 he was working as sub contractor of NSA (US)

Edward Snowden described Five Eyes as a "supra-national intelligence org that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries"

Documents leaked by Snowden in 2013 revealed that the FVEY has been spying on one another's citizens and sharing the collected information with each other

Many whistleblowers have claimed that these Five Eyes members are not even answerable to their on public and govt

In 2013, Canadian federal judge Richard Mosley strongly rebuked CSIS for outsourcing its surveillance of Canadians to overseas partner agencies.

Court ruling says CSIS and other Canadian federal agencies have been illegally enlisting FVEY allies in global surveillance dragnets

Five Eyes have faced many criticism for fulfilling agenda of Deep State and totalitarian world govt

So all those who are threatening India that Canada is part of Five Eye

Five is not threat from India
Five Eye is threat for citizens of these Five countries

Following agencies are part of Five Eye network :

Australia : ASIS, ASD, ASIO, AGO, DIO

Permanent Record is an autobiography on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

In 2013 he disclosed how the Five Eyes are collecting electronic data on ALL Americans, Canadian and their partner members.

Every call, text, email & transaction they make


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