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Oct 20, 8 tweets

5 Essential Rails Shorthands You Should Know ⬇️
#ruby #rubyonrails

1️⃣ ActiveRecord::Relation#destroy_by 1️⃣

Use `destroy_by` instead of the classic `where(...).destroy`

2️⃣ Object#presence 2️⃣

Use the `presence` shorthand instead of checking if the object's value is non-blank using `Object#present?`

3️⃣ Object#in? 3️⃣

Under the hood, `in?` automatically chooses between `include?` and `cover?` based on the type of argument provided

4️⃣ ActiveRecord::FinderMethods#sole 4️⃣

Use `sole` to automatically handle cases where no record or multiple records are found, instead of manually raising errors!

5️⃣ Kernel#suppress 5️⃣

Use `suppress` instead of empty `rescue` blocks to elegantly ignore errors!

🧵 FIN 🧵

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