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Oct 20, 8 tweets

List of high-level Alzheimer's researchers accused of credible fraud:🧵

#1 - Marc Tessier-Lavigne

Genentech pointed out problems in his 2009 Nature paper in 2012. After an expose by @tab_delete, he had to resign from Stanford Presidency, but can still run lab and do research.

@tab_delete #2 - Sylvain Lesné

His 2006 Nature paper has 3515 citations and greatly affected the direction of Alzheimer's R&D, leading researchers & companies to focus on targeting Aβ*56. It took 16 years before the fraudulent images were found by @schrag_matthew. Lesné remains a Professor.

@tab_delete @schrag_matthew # 3 - Hoau-Yan Wang

In June 2024 the DoJ indicted Wang for fraud on grant applications he submitted to NIH between 2017 - 2021, for which he received $16 M. In a 50 page report CUNY found him likely culpable for 14 separate allegations, but he still remains a Professor there.

@tab_delete @schrag_matthew # 4 - Eliezer Masliah

Masliah served as Director of the National Institute on Aging’s Division of Neuroscience between 2016-2024. Masliah is one of the top 5 most cited Alz researchers. @mumumouse2 has documented how his fraudulent work kicked off interest in drug Cerebrolysin.

@tab_delete @schrag_matthew @mumumouse2 # 5 - Berislav Zlokovic

Zlokovic is the world's leading expert on Alzheimer's and the blood-brain barrier. Two former lab members say that Zlokovic instructed them to make sure their lab notebooks were “clean”, meaning no data and results contrary to their paper’s conclusions.

@tab_delete @schrag_matthew @mumumouse2 # 6 Domenico Praticò

@MicrobiomDigest, @mumumouse2, and an anonymous whistleblower have all raised concerns about clearly fraudulent images to @HHS_ORI & Temple University. Praticò blamed a grad student for some of the images. He remains Director of Alzheimer's Center at Temple.

@tab_delete @schrag_matthew @mumumouse2 @MicrobiomDigest @HHS_ORI For more analysis and links to detailed articles, see this post I just sent out on my newsletter:

Also, @JamesHeathers estimates that 14% of peer-reviewed publications contain some form of fraud. Check out his analysis here: osf.io/5rf2m

@tab_delete @schrag_matthew @mumumouse2 @MicrobiomDigest @HHS_ORI @jamesheathers I also recommend @BenLandauTaylor's excellent article in @PalladiumMag:


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