We now live in a political system sponsored by billionaires and built by the Roberts Court—where the richest Americans dominate political spending, where rewarding them for their backing is legal, and where an insurrectionist is shielded from criminal prosecution by the judges he appointed.
The egregiously reasoned immunity decision, and the delay created in reaching that decision, prevented Trump from standing trial even for what limited conduct could still be prosecuted.
As this timeline shows, a Trump criminal trial for the insurrection could easily have been as early as May.
Consider this chart, and ask yourself if it’s a coincidence:
-Every time he has faced a grand jury, Trump has been indicted;
-Every time he has faced a trial jury, Trump has been found guilty;
-Every time his cases have come before judges he didn’t appoint, including those appointed by previous Republican presidents, Trump has lost;
-Whenever surveys have asked, a majority of Americans say Trump has committed crimes;
-BUT: Every time he has come before the justices and judges he appointed, Trump has had his way.
Before Citizens United and other Roberts Court campaign finance decisions, outside spending was effectively illegal. Now it’s everywhere—and it’s overwhelmingly funded by the richest Americans.
The following table makes clear just how dependent Trump is on outside spending, and how much more so he is than any previous presidential candidate.
Outside groups account for 60 percent of spending on his behalf, but only 28 percent of spending on behalf of Harris. (And this is before Musk and many of the other billionaires' contributions you’ve been reading about have been reported.)
No other presidential candidate has had more than about ⅓ of spending on their behalf come from outside groups.
Outside groups spend more than the candidates in ALL toss-up Senate races, and 85% of toss-up House races.
In 2000, out of state donors (including PACs) gave House and Senate candidates as much as those candidates raised from individuals in their own states.
This cycle, outside interests are spending 7 times as much.
For more, read my new post: weekendreading.net/p/the-john-rob…
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