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Oct 31, 2024, 21 tweets

The most creative Halloween costumes ever 🧵

1. 'Carrie Halloween costume

2. Vincent van Gogh and Starry Night Painting Halloween costume

3. The NeverEnding Story Halloween costume

4. Cruella de Vil Halloween costume

5. Working Camera Halloween costume

6. Gollum Halloween costume

7. Headless Horseman Halloween costume

8. Shrek Halloween costume

9. Ghostface vs. Michael Myers Halloween costume

10. Sports Trophy Halloween costumes

11. Creepy Ronald McDonald Halloween costume

12. Yin and Yang Halloween costume

13. T-1000 Robot Halloween costume

14. Chucky Halloween costume

15. Black and White in a Color World Halloween costumes

16. Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Historically Accurate Halloween costumes

17. Michael Myers Halloween costume

18. Witch Burning at the Stake Halloween costume

19. Samara Morgan Halloween costume

20. 'The Last Of Us' Clicker Halloween costume

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