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Nov 7, 2024, 10 tweets

The German government has collapsed. The Social Democrats’ attempt to rescue German capital’s interests by reestablishing Germany as an imperialist force has been a catastrophe. Here is what the media will not tell you. 🧵

The German government has pushed the country into three wars—Ukraine, Palestine, and Lebanon. All are funded by taxpayers while public services deteriorate.

Germany is facing critical shortages: 183 occupations are in need of workers, thousands of doctors’ practices are closing, and hundreds of thousands of spaces are lacking in daycares. The national railway system is a national embarrassment due to widespread delays.

Germany’s economy has only gone from bad to worse. It is expected to contract in 2024 for the second consecutive year, largely driven by manufacturing struggles and fierce competition with other imperialist powers like China.

The education system in Germany is underfunded by €68 billion, according to the Education and Science Union (GEW). Education quality is plummeting, yet military spending continues to rise.

Trump has threatened to impose 10% tariffs on imports from Europe, a move that could further batter Germany’s already flailing economy.

Since October 7, Germany has seen ongoing weekly protests against the government's support for Israel’s genocide in Palestine and its brutal response to solidarity protests.

Germany is facing international condemnation stemming from potential genocide complicity charges and widespread criticism for its brutal crackdown on solidarity movements at home.

The government is alienating Germany’s Muslim, Arab, and Middle Eastern communities by deporting Afghans to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and threatening to strip citizenship from Palestine supporters.

This government enabled the ascent of the far-right and fascist parties. Instead of countering them, the government is adopting their rhetoric by blaming migrants for the misery in Germany. The so-called liberals are shifting German society further to the right.

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