Corey A. DeAngelis, school choice evangelist Profile picture
Senior Fellow, American Culture Project; Visiting Fellow, @AIER; Exec. Dir., @EF_Institute; Board, @LJCenter; Senior Advisor, @AccuracyInMedia; Miranda💍

Nov 10, 2024, 14 tweets

BREAKING: A California public school teacher had a meltdown in class on Election Day.

He lashed out at a student for wearing a Trump hat, called Christians a "bunch of losers" for voting for him, called him a "child molester" and "rapist" & MORE.

I have the audio.
Buckle up👇🧵

"A child molester, huh? Vote for that freaking rapist. I have a daughter, three nieces, and he'd rape them, and people are voting for him. Christians are voting for him, bunch of losers. Fake Christians."

@ChinoValleyUSD "Just do the warm-up, I'm pissed. People voting for a freaking rapist and I'm pissed off.. I don't care, fire the hell out of me. I'm fighting for my daughter, my nieces, their rights."

@ChinoValleyUSD "TURN IT OFF AND GO BACK TO YOUR FREAKING SEAT NOW! GO! Can you send security up? I have a boy who has a Trump hat on & I'm not going to tolerate it today.. Tell [Principal] Miller 'I should have the right to vote for a rapist and a child molester,' go for it. I don't give a F!"

@ChinoValleyUSD "Tell [Principal] Miller that you're allowed to wear a freaking rapist hat. Go for it! Tell your mom. Get out of my class. You can't take a teacher that stands up for girls' rights."

@ChinoValleyUSD "Excuse me! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! .. Trump. The rapist.. they just vote for him to get rid of the 20 million immigrants. You know who should get out? You know who owns this land? Native Americans. He should leave."

@ChinoValleyUSD I have obtained an email to a parent indicating, "The Chino Unified School District is aware of the situation regarding Mr. Colinco .. [HR] is working with Chino High School .. I have asked [Principal] Miller to contact you regarding your complaint and provide a resolution."

@ChinoValleyUSD Here is a screenshot from a short video of the classroom I've obtained and a picture of Mr. Colinco on the "Chino High School girls golf" Instagram page. He is the girl's golf coach.

@ChinoValleyUSD A "Chino Valley Schools" Instagram page also shared the meltdown, identifying the teacher as "Mr. Colinco from Chino High School."

@ChinoValleyUSD Total pay and benefits: $119,795

@ChinoValleyUSD I have obtained an email from a parent to Superintendent Norm Enfield.

"Mr. Calinco at Chino High School.. made disparaging remarks about President Trump.. classrooms should be a neutral ground.. I respectfully request this teacher be removed from the classroom" @ChinoValleyUSD

Superintendent Norman Enfield total pay and benefits: $483,351

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From the teacher's Facebook: "All my former students can relate😂😂"

"When someone tests your patience at work and a bit of the real you slips out..."

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