This man runs the whole world and no one’s even talking about it.
He manages over $11 TRILLION in assets.
Amazon, Apple, and entire governments are in the palm of this man's hand.
Here’s the (dark) story behind the most powerful operation in the world:
I'm talking about none other than Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock.
The biggest investment company in the world owning top companies.
Just look it up yourself…
You'll see BlackRock as the top shareholder almost everywhere.
So first, let's take you back to the year 2008.
The huge economic crisis.
To fix the whole situation BlackRock - led by Larry Fink - had to step in.
The whole US government was dependent on him.
Making Larry Fink the most powerful man in AND after the crisis.
From there BlackRock just kept doing his thing.
Using the public's money (yes yours) to expand their dominance.
From pension funds, Sovereign wealth funds to other central banks and many others.
All count as their clientele.
Trillions of dollars under their control.
Fast forward to 2020, the pandemic hit.
Another crisis.
And guess who the government asked for help AGAIN?
Yes exactly - Larry Fink from BlackRock.
Making him even MORE powerful while no one really knew what was going on.
Larry Fink wasn't born into his power though.
He started like any other ‘average’ guy.
The difference?
His mindset wasn't average at all.
“Larry is obsessed with having control” so the people close to him.
He proved his skills in Wall Street and from there it went upwards…
Quickly, Larry became a legend who was responsible for making his company over $1B in just a few years.
But then he let the foot of the gas and made one mistake casting the company he worked for $100M+
It all crashed literally overnight - including his reputation.
If you think that was his end, then think again.
Together with his newly found billionaire business partner he founded BlackStone.
An asset manager they quickly scaled.
But it came to an argument between them which led Larry to found BlackRock.
Well the rest is history…
Now the cherry on the top:
BlackRock's software is called Aladdin.
With a network of 5000+ computers it's able to track the market and make risk analysis.
Essentially, that shit predicts the future astonishingly accurately.
BlackRock is always 2 steps ahead.
This isn’t a random conspiracy theory from Tik Tok.
You can literally do your research on Yahoo Finance.
But all of this - the truth - is extremely important to know.
You DON’T want to go through life without knowing who runs all of this.
And the rabbit hole goes deeper...
That's it!
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