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Nov 13, 2024, 27 tweets

This gives me no pleasure, but given Elon Musk's history, claims, and behaviors, I can't let Richard's "welfare of the world at heart" line pass without comment.

While watching Elon's rise to greater power (and the fawning of his fans), I started keeping notes. Thread (1)

(2) Elon has happily buddied with the cretinous Tucker Carlson. In this clip, Carlson was pitching his interview with the more cretinous Andrew Tate.

(3) Here, Elon speaks about the empty atheists, secular religion, and childless hedonism. (Those child-free folks are selfish and myopic.)

(4) Elon claimed that the border security bill was a trojan horse to stack the Dem vote.

(5) Pot, meet kettle...and a conspiracy theory.

(6) Genius Elon weighed in on climate change.

(7) Remember the antisemitism?

(8) Never learn about history or world governments from Elon.

(9) A man of political conviction (urp).

(10) Elon spat in the faces of the Sandy Hook families, welcoming Alex Jones back to X with the excuse of "free speech."

(11) His world is a junior high locker room.

(12) Never take vaccine advice from Elon Musk.

(13) Elon doesn't know how internet archives work.

(14) Elon spread the myth that understanding the racism of our past = hating white people.

(15) Remember when Elon teamed up with Joe Rogan to bait Dr. Peter Hotez in the wake of the awful RFK Jr. interview? This resulted in hate mail, death threats, and a guy showing up to Hotez's home.

(16) Elon claimed that Muhammad is the most popular boy's name in most European countries. Uh...

(17) Don't tell me this isn't either jaw-droppingly tone deaf or a dog whistle.

(18) Elon spreads batshit Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

(19) Elon called lifetime public servant and lauded scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci a criminal.

(20) More Tucker love...with a little Russell Brand sprinkled in.

(21) Elon weighed in on SSRIs, unfortunately.

(22) Elon fantasized about Fredo-style execution of Joe Biden.

(23) And...creepy.

(24) Ask Richard to again explain how Elon and Trump are diametrically opposed.

(25) Dangerous anti-vax nonsense.

(26) And let's finish with a few of his pals.

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