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Process-Algebra and critical programming languages; Dutch Scala Enthusiast…

Nov 18, 2024, 16 tweets

@Thekeksociety "Grab them by the pussy"
was a carefully planned psyop,
and it worked perfectly.

Proof is in comms by Trump:

- word usage
- misspellings
- timing

Trump became president.
Hollywood went down.


@Thekeksociety Q and Donald Trump often talk in code using coincidences, e.g. with dates, words and typos.

Code language enables plausible deniability and "future proofs past".

Q drops 504, 1113, 1225, 2524: "Learn our comms".


@Thekeksociety On October 8, 2012 Donald Trump tweeted:

"Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty."

Note the typo "chidlren", and the rather unusual word "grabbed", and "perverts".


@Thekeksociety Four years minus one day later, on October 7 2016, the Access Hollywood tape "leaked", with "grab them by the pussy".

It was a month before the election. The leak caused big consternation, but @RealDonaldTrump still won the presidency.


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump DJT responded with a statement on his campaign website:

"This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course - not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended"


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump The next day, exactly 4 years after the "grab" tweet, Trump alleged in a video Bill Clinton had abused women and Hillary had bullied her husband's victims. [Wikipedia]

Also: "I have spent time with grieving mothers who have lost their children".


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump's tweets contain "grab" 9 times; "grabbed" 1 time and "grabbing" 2 times.

On 17 October 2017 he made a quote:

"@MarkSimoneNY: Watch Joe Biden's Long History Of Grabbing, Kissing and Groping Women Who Are Cringing: ..."


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY Google Search on "grab" in 2019 yielded about 740 million hits, of which

- 57 million in connection to "Trump"
- 679 million without "Trump" on the same page.

The word "take" has about 10 billion hits.
Searches for "Grab" spiked in October 2016.


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY So we have

- "chidlren": a marker typo
- the dates: 4 years apart
- unusual words: "grabbed" and "grab"
- "perverts" and "Bill Clinton abused women"

Do you believe in coincidences?

If this was all planned, what would have been the goal?


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY My theory:

The Access Hollywood leak was deliberate. It would not endanger the presidency and it would be instrumental against Hollywood.

A form of self sacrifice like a piece sacrifice in chess.
A powerful persuasion technique.
Reverse psychology.


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY The self sacrifice is not present in this great list of persuasion techniques by @BenyaminElias.

But the list contains "high-activation emotions", another technique which applies to the Access Hollywood tape leak.


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY @BenyaminElias The Access Hollywood tape alluded to sex and it outraged people. This opened their minds for sneaky subliminal messages. The messages ensured even the help of liberals in Trump's attack on Hollywood.

Next: my decoding of 2 subliminal messages in the Access Hollywood tape.


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY @BenyaminElias Raw text fragment 1:

"I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.
I did try and fuck her. She was married. (...)
And she was married (...)"

Subliminal message:

"It is bad to seduce a married woman; marriage is sacred."

(Photo from…)


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY @BenyaminElias Raw text fragment 2:

"And when you're a star, they let you do it.
You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.
You can do anything."

Subliminal message:

"Hollywood is full of sexual abuse."

Hence #metoo and the Weinstein case.

(Photo from…)


@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY @BenyaminElias Conclusion:

Donald Trump appears rude and misogynistic at times, but he addresses the subconscious effectively.

Psychological warfare.

Hollywood is in decline.
In December 2022 someone tweeted:

"half the storefronts in west hollywood are empty"…

@Thekeksociety @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY @BenyaminElias @threadreaderapp unroll

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