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Nov 24, 2024, 11 tweets

Moments that don't look real but really are.

[Thread 🧵👇]

Life in Japan.

Children in Japan thank the driver of the vehicle that let them pass ☺️

Japan in anime

The discipline in Japan

Deer Lounge Under Cherry Blossom Trees In Japan's Nara Park

On many Japanese toilets, the hand wash sink is attached so that you can wash your hands and reuse the water for the next flush. Japan saves millions of liters of water every year doing this

Trains traveling from Ichihara to Ninose stations in Kyoto will slow down, allowing passengers to admire the breathtaking autumn foliage. With the onboard lights turned off, the natural beauty of the landscape is even more stunning.

Hundreds of koi fish swim through the drainage canals of Shimabara City, Japan. An earthquake in 1792 opened up natural springs throughout the city, causing clean water to flow down the channels. The city added the koi fish in for fun.

This automatic cleaning system in japan makes sure that the public toilet is clean, dry and fresh for every new visitor.

Night Bus in Japan

During a rainstorm in Japan, wild animals will take shelter in the same place as humans

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