THREAD: Meet Hate Club Member...
Ryan Michael Roberson (age 35), aka Ryan Reignmaykr, of Mansfield, Ohio.
I CANNOT confirm his current employment, but while attempting to join the hate group White Lives Matter in Ohio, he claimed to work as a "CO" (i.e. a correctional officer). On a separate occasion, he shared his workplace as "ManCI" (Mansfield Correctional Institution).
Ryan was previously affiliated with the Columbus Proud Boys.
He marched with the Neo-Nazis in Columbus, Ohio, on November 16.
1/ #baitclub
Ryan Roberson is the heavier set guy in the foreground with his head against the @uhaul van door.
He was also the individual that had his flag grabbed by a local. 2/ #baitclub
Additional images of Ryan Roberson marching in Columbus, Ohio, with Neo-Nazi group Hate Club.
3/ #baitclub
Ryan Roberson was previously identified by an AFA account on Twitter that no longer exists. I have collected some of that information from an archived thread. Please reach out if you want credit.
Roberson was a member of the Columbus chapter of the violent far-right street gang the Proud Boys. 4/ #baitclub
On Telegram, Ryan Roberson makes a disturbing admission, stating, "I do say some vile s**t to these guys on camera." He's admitting to saying vile things to inmates while wearing a body camera. Roberson also says he "f***ing hates his job."
5/ #baitclub
Ryan Roberson's (Mansfield, Ohio) social media accounts. 6/ #baitclub
Ryan Michael Roberson is also a registered Republican. 7/ #baitclub
I can confirm that Ryan Michael Roberson was employed by the State of Ohio as a Correctional Officer in 2022 and 2023.
Source Link:
8/ #baitclub…
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