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Dec 3, 2024, 19 tweets

Bovaer is being added to BEEF and MILK because it is thought to prevent climate change.

This is based on woke science.

The truth is, it might harm your health in many ways.

I’ll explain.

First, I need to give you some background on how Bovaer was originally made.

And how it is NOW being added to BEEF and MILK.

Bovaer is a new feed additive or new animal drug.

It's made by DSM-firmenich.

The major shareholder is Blackrock.

Vid credit @LeilaniDowding

Why was it made?

The idea started in 2006.

When the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) published a report titled:

'Livestock's Long Shadow.'

That report focused heavily on methane and climate change.

The problem?

It was totally flawed.

The report claimed that livestock causes 18% of the world's greenhouse gases.

But that was wrong!

Dr. Frank Mitloehner (UC Davis Air Quality Specialist Dept. Animal Science) highlighted the report's problems.

And the FAO eventually admitted he was right.

Dr. Mitloehner's points:

• FAO's claim of 18% emissions for livestock (more than transport) was flawed.

• The report only included tailpipe emissions for transport.

• The calculation for livestock included everything (land use, feed, etc.)

But that's not all he said.

Dr. Mitloehner also said:

Methane emitted by livestock is part of the biogenic carbon cycle, a natural process.


Livestock numbers remain stable and have done so since the PRE-EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT!

So, how can livestock add to climate change?

It's not just Dr. Mitloehner sounding off.

Listen to Elon Musk talking to Joe Rogan about the same topic.

"The animals are not going to make any difference to global warming."

"I want to be super clear about that. It will not matter, you will not even be able to measure it."

Meaning: the whole problem that DSM and Bovaer are claiming to try to fix is BOGUS!

It is built on a lie.

It started with the FOA report.

The media picked it up and ran with it.

And then COP26, took place in Glasgow, Scotland, in November 2021.

During COP26, 100 countries signed the Global Methane Pledge.

The Pledge: to cut methane emissions by 30% by 2030.

So, the DSM product is designed for this very reason.

They say it in their product brochures.

In other words, they are trying to fix a made-up problem.

Now, onto Bovaer - The SOLUTION to a non-problem.

• The active ingredient in Bovaer is 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP).

• 3-NOP works by inhibiting an enzyme called methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR).

• MCR is involved in the production of methane in the cow's stomach (rumen).

Bovaer beef and milk are fast making their way onto shelves.

• Coles stores in Australia
• Aldi stores in Australia and the UK.
• Lurpak products in the UK and Australia.
• Arla products in the UK.

The list is growing.

The FDA has also approved Bovaer for the US market.

DSM says Bovaer is safe and passed European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) tests.

The report says the genotoxic potential of 3-NOP has not been fully clarified (in cows).

3-NOP was found in the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, bone marrow, muscle, fat, and brain of test animals.

EFSA confirmed:

"The FEEDAP Panel considered that the consumer was exposed to 3‐nitrooxypropionic acid (NOPA)..."

"...which is one of the 3‐NOP metabolites. NOPA was not genotoxic based on the studies provided."

Based on the studies provided...

In other words.

Small amounts are found in the cows.

And they don't know if, in 5, 10, or 20 years, we will find health issues caused by Bovaer in humans.

But, of course, DSM has gone on the offensive:

They published a "Misinformation about Bovaer® in the UK" guide.

In their "Misinformation" guide, they currently list 13 points.

In those 13 points, they repeat over and over again how Bovaer reduces methane.

No one is disputing that!
No one cares because it's a non-issue!

Yet, they only mention safety to HUMANS once.

See for yourself:

How many times throughout history have we been told things are SAFE, only to find out later that they are not?

Let's see:

Bisphenol A (BPA)
Agent Orange
Trans Fats
Mercury-Based Products
Radium...and more.

Instead of addressing concerns.

DSM is working with Elanco, to monetize Bovaer use via a new carbon credit process.

'$20 per cow'

'$89 million in RCCP grants awarded...the first tranche of dollars that will be available.'

They call this a 'self-sustaining carbon inset market'

To summarise:

This whole thing is a money-making scam.

- There is no methane/climate change issue, as Dr Mitloehner addresses.

- The media ran the story anyway.

- COP26 put The Global Methane Pledge together to reduce methane.

- DSM developed Bovaer knowing 158 participant nations supported it (with funding from the Scottish Government, AKA Scottish taxpayers).

- DSM launched the product.

- Elanco and DSM put together a carbon credit plan to monetize and effectively incentivize Bovaer use for farmers.

- The money to incentivize farmers in the US comes from Regional Conservation Partnership Program
(RCPP) which is the USDA (US taxpayers).

So you end up with:

Blindsided consumers that don't want Bovaer in their meat, milk, or dairy.

Where there is no carbon credit scheme, the consumer pays a higher price for meat, milk, and dairy products.

Where there is a carbon credit scheme, consumers still pay for it via their taxes.

The consumer may potentially face health issues in the future as there have been no long-term studies on humans eating or drinking products fed with Bovaer.

All due to stupid, woke science that is based on a lie.

That's it for now!

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