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COO @ Creator Warehouse, @linustech

Dec 30, 2024, 30 tweets

Responding to comments from my AMD Upgrade

A 🧵

Couple things here:

Holy crap I did not expect my overt attempt at engagement bait to work this well (shoutout to all the comments who saw it for what it is lol).

This was 100% me just trolling Linus and memeing, y’all delivered in spades and that is hilariously awesome. I think the biggest thing here is that it shows how excited people are for janky, DIY, tech-adjacent home projects. Whether that’s at my house (I would say extremely unlikely), or at Linus’ house (much much more likely), I hope we’ll be able to deliver on that.

Bottom line here - I have zero expectation of actually getting anything from this, and I just hope that we’re able to make some cool content that delivers what y’all are looking for.

At the same time… @RJScaringe collab opportunity? :O

They are the GOATs of trolling just enough that it’s still fun for everyone involved. 10/10 would skin again

I’m really glad that the fun element of this came through to everyone. We were laughing the whole day, by the end of it Linus and I were both so tired that we were just loopy. But somehow we got a real video out of it, and I’m just happy that people enjoyed it <3

Yep that’s 100% my bad. My electrician buddy sent me 2 links when I was looking at a home backup solution - natural gas gene, or a battery backup. I copied the wrong one over when I was sending this to Elijah, so my bad on the misinfo :X

Super cool to see the positive comments like this. As you guys probably know, I’ve always been way more of a behind the scenes person here, and have more or less avoided being in videos for the last ~10 years (outside of some rare occasions). My name was drawn a few times before for upgrades and I passed it on to the next person because I didn’t feel like I’d be delivering good content, and knew that others on the team had way cooler things to do with the upgrade budget (eg. Kyle, Tynan, Seb, Elijah, etc.).

I’ve really appreciated all the positivity around the few times that I’ve appeared recently, so while I’m not jumping to insert myself into content unnecessarily (my skills are much more useful on the lttstore side), I won’t shy away from any future content opportunities that come up.

Elijah @BocaBola_ is the GOAT for driving this whole project. I basically just said “here’s what I want to do” and he took care of the rest. 2024 was an amazing year of growth for him and I’m super excited to see him continue to build his skillset on and off camera.

@BocaBola_ I saw a preview of this before xmas, and was immediately like “yep that’s way better than any unboxing footage could be, we’re good” LOL. A+ to Oliver there, and for just generally making this an entertaining video.

@BocaBola_ Seeing first-hand how things have grown over the last 10 years…. Yeah, it’s actually crazy what we can do today.

@BocaBola_ Don’t worry, that part wasn’t just a meme :D

@BocaBola_ thatsthejoke.jpg

@BocaBola_ IMO, if you’ve been working with someone for 10 years and you can’t joke around with each other… you’ve made some mistakes along the way. Linus and I don’t cross over in our day to day as much these days, but when we do, we keep that energy lol.

@BocaBola_ If that doesn’t explain it to you then you need to up your dad energy

@BocaBola_ TM2020 is absolutely one of the most underrated games out there. The consistency of new content, refinement of the game, and interaction within the community is extremely cool. Just picked it up last year and it has quickly become my go-to.

@BocaBola_ Loving it so far - massive shoutout to @Level1Techs @tekwendell for building a great product.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell I don’t think this made the final cut, but we had actually routed the PSU cable poorly which caused most of the strain. We fixed it and it was much easier to close :P

Pure hatred. But we’re undefeated on selling overpriced electronics tape, and they’re undefeated on giving us money for the insane things we do, so we persevere.

I still can’t believe they stuck $300 worth of keycaps on a $100 keyboard though. These robots truly live in a different world.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell I’m just old :)

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell Glad it came through. Felt like a pretty normal day, if we were just set free to go have fun and screw around. And thank you!

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell Options weren’t super broad for a combo blower/mulcher from what I saw, especially in the sub-$200 price tier (CAD). Basically want to see how this one works out, and if I enjoy it over the next 2-3 years I’ll get a Stihl or something a bit more reliable for the long term.

There is zero chance I sell that guitar, it’s ~doubled in value since I bought it based on recent sales that I’ve seen online (not adjusting for inflation), but it’s way too unique (only 1,000 made AFAIK) and has way too much sentimental value for me. Would have to be an insane offer for me to get rid of it.

Longhorn is severely underrated IMO.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell I just have massive earlobes LOL. Saw a comment somewhere where someone assumed I stretched them in my teens. Nope, they’re just that huge.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell <3 @ShankMods

I had more hair, but looking back at my first appearance in a Floatplane Exclusive a while back, I was already thinning when I joined on at ~23 lol. Just bad genetic lottery on that.

For anyone on the edge - just shave it. It’s so much better than trying to hang on to the last bits. You won’t regret it.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell @ShankMods Try finding a newly designed or remodeled house that doesn’t expect you to place it above the fireplace these days.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell @ShankMods Love seeing comments like this. Again shoutout to Elijah for making it super easy for me.

Like I said in the video, I was using it daily a few months back. Played through the summer TM2020 campaign, and replayed Elden Ring + played through Shadow of the Erdtree all on Deck, with the baby sleeping on me. These days she naps in her crib, so frees me up to actually use my PC again.

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell @ShankMods Haven’t kept up over the last couple years but I’m sure I’ll get back into it eventually

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell @ShankMods Yep - couple weird outlets in the house that we’re addressing before the baby gets mobile lol

@BocaBola_ @Level1Techs @tekwendell @ShankMods Might reply to a few more over time but to summarize:

Thank you @AMD for supporting this series, I hope we get to continue it in 2025 and beyond.

And thanks @linusgsebastian and @BocaBola_ for the fun times :)

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