“What if?”—From 1776 to Trump.
This is THE PLAN.
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What if “The Plan” wasn’t new but centuries in the making? What if it all started in 1776? What if Tesla, JFK, Trump, Q, and biblical prophecy were threads in The Great Awakening? What if connecting the dots could help to “Paint the picture”? What if we go deeper? #WhatIf🧵👀👇
Before 1776:
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What if “The Plan” began with the Founding Fathers? What if they were building more than just a nation? What if they were a countermeasure against a centuries-old tyrannical cabal enslaving humanity? What if Thomas Jefferson’s warnings about central banking was the spark that set everything in motion?
The Cabal’s Origins:
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What if the cabal has ruled humanity for centuries? What if monarchies, religion, and financial systems were [THEIR] tools of control? What if, by the 1700s, the British Empire was [THEIR] crown jewel? What if the American Revolution wasn’t just about independence but a rebellion against [THEM]?
1776 and the Declaration of War:
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What if the Declaration of Independence wasn’t just about freedom from Britain but freedom from the cabal? What if the founding of America was spiritual warfare? What if it was a declaration of war against [THEIR] global dominance? What if it was the first major counterstrike for freedom?
The Central Bank:
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What if central banking has always been [THEIR] primary weapon? What if Thomas Jefferson didn’t warn us about this from the very beginning? What if Andrew Jackson’s fight against the “Den of Vipers” was a pivotal moment in this war? What if the Federal Reserve, created in 1913, was [THEIR] ultimate weapon of economic slavery? What if central banking wasn’t just about controlling money but about controlling innovation? What if [THEY] used economic slavery to stifle progress and technological breakthroughs? What if central banking and technological suppression are two sides of the same coin, designed to keep humanity in chains?
Enter Nikola Tesla:
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What if Nikola Tesla wasn’t just an inventor but a disruptor? What if his work on free energy and wireless power threatened [THEIR] monopolies of money, energy, and control? What if his research was seized after his death, but never truly lost? What if John G. Trump, Donald Trump’s uncle, safeguarded Tesla’s secrets to ensure they wouldn’t be lost forever?
Tesla’s Legacy:
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What if Tesla’s vision of limitless energy was the first real threat to [THEIR] systems of control? What if his suppressed inventions hold the key to breaking humanity’s dependence on scarcity? What if Tesla’s work isn’t lost but waiting to be revealed in The Great Awakening? What if anti-gravity, free energy, and hidden cures were concealed by [THEM] to keep humanity enslaved?
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What if WWII wasn’t just a war but a massive reorganization of power? What if the cabal funded both sides to ensure [THEIR] influence no matter who won? What if Eisenhower’s warning about the Military-Industrial Complex was about [THEM]? What if Operation Paperclip brought Nazi scientists—and [THEIR] ideologies—into America? What if these ideologies infiltrated our institutions that govern us even to this day? What if history isn’t what we were told?
Birth of the CIA:
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What if the CIA’s creation in 1947 marked the rise of a shadow government? What if its purpose wasn’t to protect freedom but to control narratives and ultimately control us? What if Eisenhower’s warning wasn’t just about military contractors but about intelligence networks? What if the CIA used Operation Mockingbird in the late 1940s to turn journalism into propaganda, and journalists into CIA assets?
Operation GLADIO:
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What if Operation Gladio, launched in 1949, wasn’t just a Cold War tactic but proof of the cabal’s playbook? What if Operation Gladio, wasn’t about defending Europe but controlling it? What if NATO’s “stay-behind” networks were designed not to fight communists but to destabilize nations? What if the CIA and MI6 orchestrated terror attacks to manipulate public opinion? What if Gladio became the playbook for how [THEY] control the world through fear and laid the foundation for the [DEEP STATE]? What if Trump’s moves against NATO isn’t just strategy, but a direct blow to the Invisible Enemy?
Want more information on Operation Gladio?
Follow 👉 @ColonelTowner
[C]lowns [I]n [A]merica:
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What if MKUltra, launched in 1953, was used to develop mind control for psychological warfare? What if Operation Northwoods in 1962 proposed False Flags to justify war? What if Operation Popeye in 1967 weaponized weather to control battlefields? What if MKUltra, propaganda, and regime changes were [THEIR] tools to maintain global dominance and power? What if the CIA saw JFK as a threat to their agenda and was weaponized against him?
JFK’s Vision:
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What if JFK wasn’t just a president but a champion for FREEDOM? What if the greatest threat he faced was the power of the global banking cartel? What if his speeches exposing secret societies made him a target? What if JFK wanted to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces? What if breaking [THEIR] financial chains became his primary focus? What if Executive Order 11110 was designed to dismantle the Federal Reserve once and for all? What if his assassination was [THEIR] desperate move to maintain their systems of control?
JFK’s Death:
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What if JFK’s push to expose secret societies and his fight against the Federal Reserve made him the ultimate threat to [THEM] and [THEIR] Globalist Agenda? What if JFK’s assassination wasn’t just about how it happened—it was about why it happened? What if his vision for a world free from the cabal sparked a silent war? What if his sacrifice united and activated a network of Patriots working behind the scenes on “The Plan” that was already in motion, just waiting for the right moment? What if these Patriots were determined to finish what he started? What if [THEY] underestimated something, and his death marks the true beginning of “The Plan”? What if the torch was passed in silence to ensure it could never be extinguished from Father to Son? What if that’s why JFK’s grave burns with the Eternal Flame?
JFK’s Legacy
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What if JFK’s dream of shattering the CIA was the beginning of THE PLAN? What if Trump, Q, and Patriots are carrying his torch? What if ‘Where we go one, we go all’ is more than a phrase—it’s a promise? What if JFK’s vision is finally coming to fruition?
Enter JFK Jr.:
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What if JFK Jr.’s friendship with Trump was by design? What if JFK Jr.’s death wasn’t a tragedy but a strategy and integral part to “The Plan”? What if he’s ready to finish what his father started? What if this was the moment Patriots began working behind the scenes? What if his death elevated the silent war to a whole new level? What if JFK Jr. isn’t gone but waiting? What if Q’s question—“At what stage do you play the TRUMP card?”—not only reveals the timing, but holds a deeper meaning as the key to this moment in time?
“The Start”:
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What if JFK Jr.’s plane crash wasn’t just a tragedy but “The Start”? What if this event, by design, paved the way for HRC’s Senate run, exposing the Clinton Foundation’s “Pay-for-Play” schemes and Ukraine as its largest donor? What if “They never thought she would lose,” but her loss revealed [THEIR] 16-Year Plan? What if JFK Jr.’s friendship with Trump wasn’t just personal but strategic? What if JFK Jr. sacrificed himself, to activate THE PLAN—creating the perfect storm, in order to set the stage for Trump?
🧢 @qaggnews
Trump & The Plan:
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What if Trump’s rise wasn’t random but the next step to continue JFK’s mission? What if Trump’s presidency wasn’t just a fluke but decades in the making? What if Patriots worked behind the scenes the whole time to position Trump as the disruptor-in-chief? What if his rise was carefully orchestrated to counter [THEM]? What if dismantling NATO, the Federal Reserve, and the UN was just the beginning of restoring FREEDOM? What if Q’s “expand your thinking” meant reimagining what’s possible when humanity is truly free?
Project Looking Glass:
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What if Patriots have access to tools like Project Looking Glass? What if Q’s phrase “Future proves past” is more literal than we think? What if Trump’s team being ten steps ahead isn’t luck but a strategy? What if every series of “Mathematically impossible coincidences” and Deltas are calculated moves in this timeline? What if time itself could be harnessed as a weapon?
🧢 @qaggnews
Space Force:
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What if when Trump inherited JFK’s war he decided to take the fight to a whole new battlefield? What if Trump created the Space Force as the ultimate weapon and shield to reclaim the skies. What if Space Force isn’t just about space wars but also reclaiming Tesla’s suppressed technologies such as anti-gravity, free energy, and more? What if the cabal enslaved humanity through scarce resources and controlled narratives? What if Space Force is breaking those chains?
Enter Elon Musk:
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What if Elon Musk isn’t just an entrepreneur but a disruptor? What if SpaceX wasn’t just about rockets, and what if Starlink wasn’t just about internet and they’re both an important part of “The Plan” to bypass [THEIR] control of communication and energy? What if X signals the beginning of a decentralized future? What if @X killed the Mockingbird Media?
Rothschild-Controlled Israel:
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What if when Q said: “We are saving Israel for last” that there was a “very specific reason not mentioned a single time”? What if that wasn’t just a Q phrase but a keystone in “The Plan”? What if biblical prophecy foretells its liberation, exposing [THEIR] entire system of lies and corruption? What if freeing Israel exposes [THEIR] entire [DEEP STATE] system of control? What if [THEIR] house of cards collapses after [THEY] are exposed? What if the Rothschilds built Israel as a geopolitical pawn, by controlling it to manipulate and control the world?
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What if The Plan’s final act liberates Israel and fulfills prophecy? What if Q’s phrase “Biblical” refers to both exposing [THEIR] control and restoring divine sovereignty? What if Trump’s rise and Israel’s liberation isn’t just political but rather a part of a greater spiritual battle being fought? What if WWG1WGA is more than a slogan, but a divine promise for humanity?
The Global Luciferian Cabal:
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What if “The Plan” goes beyond America? What if the Rothschilds, the Vatican, and the City of London represent the trinity of globalist control? What if Trump’s mission is to dismantle [THEIR] global power structure? What if this isn’t just politics but a liberation of humanity from centuries of enslavement?
Enter Q - October 28, 2017:
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What if the first Q drop wasn’t just intel but a public activation signal to the world that the Great Information War has started? What if Anons and the Digital Soldiers were mobilized and activated to take part in this fight? What if this is more than an information war? What if this is a Spiritual War of “Good vs Evil”? What if TRUTH is our sword and awareness is our shield? What if we fight for humanity one mind at a time, as “We take this journey together. One step at a time.”?
Enter The Digital Soldiers:
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What if Digital Soldiers are here to spread truth and light the way? What if WWG1WGA is our mission? What if the Anons who “are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and Fearless” “were chosen for a reason.”? What if the Digital Soldiers were “provided the highest level of intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the world.”? What if the Anons and the Digital Soldiers are modern-day patriots of the 2nd American Revolutionary War?
Enter Pepe:
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What if Pepe the Frog isn’t just a meme but a symbol of the Great Awakening? What if Pepe’s rise represents the triumph of free speech, humor, and truth? What if [THEY] fear Pepe because it shows how memes bypass [THEIR] propaganda and systems of control? What if that’s why Q told us “Memes are important”? 🐸
The Great Awakening:
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What if the Q intelligence dissemination program was to invoke an online grassroots movement that came to be called "The Great Awakening". What if The Great Awakening isn’t just about knowledge but liberating humanity’s potential? What if the chains of ignorance, scarcity, and control are breaking? What if the world the [DEEP STATE] has built is collapsing and sovereignty is being restored? What if this is the “Birth Of A New Nation.”? What if this is humanity’s rebirth worldwide?
🧢 @WarNuse
The Final Reckoning:
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What if Trump’s Executive Orders and the reinstated federal death penalty are about “Truth, Transparency, and Equal JUSTICE Under the Law.”? What if crimes against humanity, trafficking, and treason are being exposed? What if Q’s word “Pray” signals “The enormity of what is coming will Shock the World.”? What if this is the reckoning [THEY] have always feared? What if RETRIBUTION is coming and there’s NOTHING [THEY] can do to stop it?
JUSTICE is Coming:
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What if Q’s timing is deliberate? What if every Q drop is a signal and every move is planned? What if justice isn’t delayed but perfectly timed? What if the chessboard is live, and “the game being played” is now public and no longer private? What if you can feel the wind, hear the thunder, and see the lighting? What if “the storm is upon us”? What if [THEY] are all about to “find out”? 🐸
[DS] System Collapse:
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What if 2023–2024 started the collapse of [THEIR] systems? What if failing banks, panicking politicians, and crumbling narratives are all connected? What if Q told us: “Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. You must show them.” is what we’ve been living through? What if “Nothing can stop what is coming is not just a catch-phrase” and humanity is witnessing [THEIR] end playing out in Real Time?
Divine Prophetic Plan:
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What if “The Plan” is both strategic and prophetic? What if the battle between light and dark isn’t new but eternal? What if the cabal’s systems are falling and God’s sovereignty is being restored? What if this isn’t just a war—it’s the final act of redemption?
Israel’s Liberation:
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What if saving Israel for last fulfills Biblical prophecy? What if the Rothschilds built Israel as a pawn for control? What if prophecy foretells its liberation? What if Israel’s liberation not only destroys [THEIR] playbook but reveals the LIGHT to the world? What if freeing Israel marks the end of [THEIR] grip on humanity and the beginning of a new era?
Sovereignty Restored:
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What if the collapse of [THEIR] systems is paving the way for humanity’s rebirth? What if free markets, free minds, and free energy define our future? What if The Great Awakening isn’t just about exposing lies but restoring what was stolen? What if sovereignty is being reborn?
The War for Economic Freedom
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What if restoring sovereignty requires dismantling [THEIR] greatest weapon—central banking? What if the collapse of these systems demands a decentralized alternative? What if Bitcoin and decentralization represent humanity’s escape from economic slavery? What if Bitcoin is the incorruptible answer to the lies of the [DEEP STATE]?
SoftWar & Decentralization:
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What if Bitcoin’s cryptographic strength is more than technology—it’s a weapon in the Information War? What if “SoftWar”, by U.S. Space Force Major Jason Lowery, reveals how decentralization secures sovereignty? What if this isn’t just about money, but FREEDOM itself?
Want more information on “SoftWar”?
Follow 👉 @JasonPLowery
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What if when Trump tweeted “Covfefe” it wasn’t just a typo but a signal? What if Trump’s “COVFEFE Act” ties into energy and free-flowing communication? What if it represents [THEIR] greatest fear—a world where we’re no longer controlled by scarcity, censorship, or lies?
Want more information on “Covfefe”?
Follow 👉 @GMONEYPEPE 🐸
🔗 The “Covfefe Dig”: badlands.substack.com/p/the-covfefe-…
[11.3] — The Keystone:
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What if the DoD Law of War Manual’s [11.3] reveals the legal framework for ending belligerent occupation? What if “[D] + China = 11.3” wasn’t just a code but the blueprint to expose foreign control of U.S. institutions and politicians? What if [11.3] is the key to restoring sovereignty? What if [D] represents the Democratic Party and their ties to China? What if the military has been operating under this framework all along, ready to restore sovereignty? What if Trump’s “loss” in 2020 was bait and a necessary step to activate this process? What if January 20th marks the fulfillment of this strategy?
Law of War:
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What if the DoD Law of War Manual has been guiding the silent war through Devolution this whole time? What if belligerent occupation explains everything—from Biden’s “installation” to the military’s role in securing the Republic? What if compliance with international law ensures justice is “clean and swift”? What if every move is calculated to expose [THEM] without risking civil war?
Want more information on Devolution?
🧢 @patel_patriot
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What if Trump’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Stephen Miller’s words on Hannity—“THE OCCUPATION ENDS, and liberation day begins”—wasn’t just rhetoric but confirmation? What if Biden’s Administration represents [THEM] losing the war, not winning? What if Trump’s reemergence marks the legal and spiritual end of their control? What if January 20th marks the return of sovereignty to WE THE PEOPLE? What if the military has been silently securing the Republic all along? What if Q’s “Nothing can stop what is coming” is playing out in real time?
Video 🧢 @nicksortor
The Military:
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What if the military’s role isn’t about optics but enforcing the Law of War? What if exposing [THEM] and forcing compliance with international law prevents civil war? What if every move has been deliberate to deliver justice cleanly, swiftly, and lawfully? What if “the only way is the military”? What if “US Military = savior of mankind”?
Wartime President:
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What if Trump’s 2020 statement, “I’m a wartime President…fighting an Invisible Enemy,” wasn’t just about Covid? What if this war was against a foreign-controlled occupation? What if this invisible enemy is [THEM], and the military has been working to deliver justice?
“Military Planning at Its Finest”:
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What if this isn’t just “politics as usual” but “Military Planning at Its Finest”? What if every move is calculated to expose [THEM] while protecting the Republic? What if the Law of War Manual is the script? What if January 20th truly marks the “END OF OCCUPATION” and the dawn of liberation?
The TRUMP Card:
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What if the TRUMP card is the ultimate revelation about to be played? What if Q’s question—“At what stage do you play the TRUMP card?”—is a clue? What if Trump’s every move dismantles [THEIR] playbook? What if the TRUMP card is about to flip the world upside down? What if National Popcorn Day, Trump’s Victory Rally, and Q’s 7-year delta (Q-561) “Judgment Day” all align perfectly on January 19th by design? What if January 20th isn’t just an inauguration but the culmination of “The Plan” and the TRUMP card is played?
“TRUMP card coming”:
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What if the storm is the final stage before redemption? What if executive orders are in place, crimes are exposed, and [THEIR] systems are collapsing? What if Q’s phrase “Nothing can stop what is coming” is the ultimate final warning? What if the TRUMP card is already in play?
“It's going to be BIBLICAL”:
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What if Q’s phrase “This is not another 4-year election” wasn’t hyperbole? What if we’re watching the systematic destruction of the old guard? What if Trump’s “loss” was the bait, and [THEY] took it? What if justice is coming faster than their narratives can keep up?
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What if faith is the foundation of The Great Awakening? What if Trump, Q, and Patriots are fighting for humanity’s soul? What if this battle isn’t just political but spiritual? What if “WWG1WGA” is more than a slogan—it’s a rallying cry for hope and unity?
The Great Awakening:
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What if The Great Awakening isn’t just about knowledge but liberating humanity’s potential? What if the chains of ignorance, scarcity, and control are breaking? What if Digital Soldiers are here to spread truth and light the way? What if WWG1WGA is our mission?
You are The Plan:
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What if “THE PLAN” depends on YOU? What if Q’s phrase—“The choice to know will be yours”—is a call to action? What if seeing the TRUTH isn’t enough? What if we must spread it to wake the masses? What if this is, and has always been, our mission as Anons and Digital Soldiers to wake up the entire world? What if those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events?
The Best Is Yet To Come:
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What if this isn’t just the greatest story of our time but a fulfillment of divine prophecy? What if “The Plan”, from 1776 to now, fulfills both human strategy and divine prophecy? What if “The Plan”—from Tesla’s dreams to biblical prophecy—is about reclaiming humanity’s future? What if “Nothing can stop what is coming” isn’t destiny but design? What if this isn’t just history—it’s the dawn of a new age? What if THE PLAN is God’s blueprint for humanity’s redemption? What if “THE BEST IS YET TO COME” is more than a promise—it’s our destiny?
End of thread:
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If you’ve made it this far, ThanQ for reading. This is more than a story—it’s OUR STORY. If this thread resonated with you, please share this thread and help awaken others. Together, we make history and we can be confident that “THE BEST IS YET TO COME.” ThanQ — @DigiSwQll17 🐸
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