It's been a week of scapegoating @AyaMiyagotchi with our discontent towards anything (and everything) @ethereum.
Firstly, a thank you to folks that engage productively, I've learned a lot
So here we go, @ethereumfndn mythbusters edition so we can at least agree on some facts
1. @solana bullposts and highlights great projects and @ethereum doesn't
True, but @ethereum was the @ethereumfndn account. Check out @SolanaFndn
- very few tweets
- mostly RT
it's the exact same thing. well now this has been clarified and @ethereum is posting more actively
2. @ethereumfndn doesn't use the chain
They allocated 42,000 ETH to be staked with 9 client teams to help fund them.
@ethStaker role modelling in action!…
2b. @ethereumfndn doesn't use the chain
Oh wait obviously we're not done. @ProtocolGuild coming in with the mergooor pass, EIP1559 NFT, beacon book, @0xsplits and many more with the indefatigable @trent_vanepps & @TimBeiko
2c. @ethereumfndn doesn't use the chain
@EFDevcon accepts ticket purchases in crypto, @ZupassProject , @fileverse
@EF_ESP giving out grants on mainnet and even L2s
3. @ethereumfndn dumps ETH
2 approaches - not sell or stake ETH to relieve sell pressure
2 responses, @loi_luu pointing out the double standard, and @SECGov going after ethereum since 2022
4. @ethereumfndn employees don't use the chain
tbh doxxing your own employees into the twitter mob sounds like a horrible idea. also whatever happened to our cypherpunk values of privacy?
5. @ethereumfndn doesn't pay core devs/ don't pay core devs enough
@0xstark has literally been saying this since the report came out months ago
also many community development grants go to developer meetups/events
also kudos to the incredible work by @ProtocolGuild
6. @ethereum doesn't want to win/not engaging institutions
This is literally what @EntEthAlliance & @Consensys are doing and many more orgs
I mean, @vaneck_us reps a pudgy + donates 10% of ETF profits to PG
As @0xstark says, ethereum has 100 bd teams, go engage them instead
7. @ethereumfndn doesn't take feedback and is opaque
@jchaskin22 is doing what people are asking now with supporting builders
as for opaqueness - unless you knew every single thing that was on this thread (which is public), there's basically too much happening to keep up
disclaimer: I don't even work for the EF
But as a community member, I am worried new folks enter this space; see week after week of infighting and utterly bad faith engagement
This is not a place people will feel safe in.
Also, a little searching sometimes yields an answer
Now we can go back to discuss
- if EF is doing too little/
- what can YOU do for Ethereum
- aligning around goals @VitalikButerin highlighted that require ecosystem wide coordination
But most importantly remember @ethereum isn't a corpo, it's closer to a movement with a soul
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