Raghu Venugopal MD Profile picture
Canadian Emergency Physician

Jan 29, 5 tweets

I need to be clear what is happening in Ontario ERs. I need to be clear I do not believe the Ford administration has faithfully served the public. I don't care how you vote. I just want you to know the reality ER patients know only too well. - 1/5

In Ontario ERs we do not have beds. This has real implications. It makes the expert and dignified care of patients difficult and at times impossible. I leverage this against this Premier's pledge to make hallway medicine obsolete in 2018. - 2/5

Heart attacks in chairs rushed to the cath lab. Patients with bleeding in their brain with no bed to receive them seen on a paramedic stretcher. There are many such cases as these. This is not hallway medicine. It is far worse. And it is far more dangerous. - 3/5

I do not ultimately care if Premier Ford is elected or if any other party is elected. If Premier Ford does the right thing I will thank him as I have done before and if other parties do the wrong thing MDs like me will criticize them. This is about patients, not power. - 4/5

What I am saying as an experienced ER doctor is we are failing ourselves. We are failing our neighbours. We are failing our families and our communities. Make this election about healthcare. This is my ask from the bedside. - 5/5

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