The “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau” (the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren) has long functioned as another woke, weaponized arm of the bureaucracy that leverages its power against certain industries and individuals disfavored by so-called “elites.”
CFPB used its slush fund (collected from targeting financial institutions) to support radical advocacy groups.
One such group is the Soros-backed Mississippi Center for Justice, which targets religious liberty and assists illegals seeking to skirt our laws.
Another is The Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia, whose board features senior left-wing officials and has lobbied hundreds of times for more welfare spending.
CFBP threatened banks for refusing to lend to illegal immigrants.
CFPB targeted a Chicago small business after it complained about the city’s rampant crime.
CFPB was accused of mining American citizens’ personal financial information — with a 2017 inspector general’s report raising significant concerns about its data security.
CFPB granted itself broad new powers in the waning hours of the lame duck Biden admin.
It gave itself the authority to regulate Americans’ checking accounts by dictating government price controls and unilaterally buried $50 billion in medical debt.
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