This is un-fucking-believable: Two Israelis were shot in Miami, by a third Israeli who said, after getting arrested, that "he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both.”
Now the Israeli "victims" are saying it was an antisemitic attempted murder and add "De*th to Arabs*
The Facebook post:…
A piece on NBC South Florida:…
Another Facebook post from a few hours ago (Google Translate'd):…
The shooter, Mordechai Brafman. Actually I'm not sure he's Israeli, maybe just an American Zionist Jew.
LMAO check this one out:
"Mordechai Brafman, a frequent customer of Bagel Time Cafe, said his heart breaks for his community.
“It’s absolutely abhorrent to see this kind of vandalism for not only showing pride for Israel, but pride for the United States,” said Brafman.
Brafman said there are months that he eats breakfast and lunch at the restaurant every day and cannot believe what people are capable of.
“To see this level of fragmentation and is, is very, very unfortunate,” said Brafman."…
"Antisemitic incident in Miami"
They literally write who the shooter is but they still call it "antisemitic" 🤡🤡🤡
This post has been deleted.
The earlier post in which they also claim it was an antisemitic attack is still up.
How can a guy who was literally shot for looking "too Arab" immediately go online and write "De*th to Arabs"??? Zionism is a fucking disease.
Mordechai Brafman follows only 8 people on Instagram, this is one of them: "thejewishmarksman", an account promoting Jewish vigilantism.
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