I quoted this earlier with the sarcastic remark in the screenshot below.
I thought I was being flippant and snide, but then curiosity struck, and I started digging...
A big old thread🧵
First, I popped open the @denverwestword banner to see what was there.
Hmmm... what is this Common Ground People's collective?
So, I followed the link and it led to a Bluesky page. Lots on this protest listed there, including some keynote speakers.
Who are these folks?
Shall we look?
Sarah Loflin, with ProgressNow...
Using the @DataRepublican website, I found this.
Sara is in a paid position with ProgressNow, and following the USAID fund map, leads back to both Tides Foundation and the Tides Center.
Well I'll be dammed.
Looked at another speaker...
Jackie Burt of ShowUpForGood.
Show up for good didn't show up in the funding map but Jackie Burt did as a board member of Mirror Image, who showed up on the USAID funding map as attached here.
Another tie back into Tides Center.
Well, I'll be damned.
So, now I'm curious and I looked up ShowUpForGood on the web.
What do we find?
We find a fledgling organization in its "launch phase", that is a 'non-political' org... that somehow ended up with a keynote speaker at the Denver branch of a national protest.
How does that happen?
So, now I'm getting angry so I look up the next speaker.
Ean Tafoya of Green Latinos.
Green Latinos is a climate change organization aimed at orginizing the Hispanic community.
No funding map for the org, but there is one for Ean- historic Denver- also tied to Tides Center. 🤬
So, now I'm convinced I'm on to something and circle back to Westword directly.
Where do they get their funding?
As an LLC they aren't required to publish there financials.
However, I did find this...
So, who is News Revenue Hub? See screen shots.
How do they get funded?
The USAID funding map shows a direct tie to Tides Center, for a payment of what looks to be $2+ million.
So, now we have demonstratable ties between @denverwestword, the protest organizers (Common Ground), and 3 of the keynote speakers, all through the Tides Center (part of the Tides Nexus). But who are they?
Tides Nexus is an umbrella term for multiple NGOs to act as a resource for start up orginizations (left leaning) as they establish themselves.
Info on some of their founders...
The Tides Nexus works to establish and direct both 501c3 (non profits) and 501c4 (lobbying groups). This is a powerful combination using the 501c3's to organize locally, the 501c4's to lobby state and federal legislative branches to push for 'real political change'
What groups has the Tides Network in the past?
And even more dubious was the Green New Deal Network Fund, which really shows the political power of The Tides Nexus.
They helped secure $3.5 trillion dollars in government spending/funding for the Green New Deal Programs.
With all this being said, it is readily apparant why Tides is orginizing anti-Trump protests, using fledgling non-profits to staff the protests, using Tides backed keynote speakers and promoting them using publications like Westword.
The Tides Nexus IS the left wing Deep State.
Hey, @DataRepublican and @MikeBenzCyber ...
Did I do this thread right?😉
You both have helped me to open my eyes to the corrupt nature of all of this.
Thank you.
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