Alex Reibman 🖇️ Profile picture
Co-founder/CEO @agentopsai Vibes @cerebral_valley Checks

Feb 18, 15 tweets

Stanford just hosted a hackathon. Over 1000 Ivy League and elite engineering students came to build for 36 hours straight.

The reward? $200k+ in prizes.

Here are the winners and crowd standouts we saw at TreeHacks ‘25 @hackwithtrees (🧵):

1/ BrailleBot - 🎖️Best Hardware Prize

Converting a 3d printer and junk material from Stanford supply closet into a $15 braille printer


2/ OMNOM - 🎖️ Most creative prize

End to end food ordering and delivery robot that drives to restaurants, picks up orders, and brings them home

Built from scratch with spare parts and custom aluminum


3/ GitRizz - 🎖️Editor’s choice

Dating app that finds matches based on your GitHub. AI analyzes your profile creating vector embeddings of your commit history and finds similar matches

Tinder for CS majors


4/ Aegis

Biomedical device to dispense medicine in emergency scenarios based on biometric data from wearables (Apple Watch)


5/ NeuroScribe

Brain computer interface keyboard

Translate thoughts into binary, which can be translated into any language

6/ Engage

Multimodal classroom TA that charts your progrsss analyzes interactions with Gemini to see who’s paying attention and asking questions

AI observability, for students


7/ Super Smash Bros

Recreated in Java.

And also displays a fun AI generated fact at the end screen.

That’s it. (I really liked this one).



Robot rescue cat built to help in fire emergencies by identifying victims and calling 911

8/ Ranger - 🥈Best Idea 2nd place

Augmented reality wearable for the deaf that transcribes audio and shows the directional location of noises

Runs completely offline

9/ Auto LeARn

Car mechanic AR headset to help users fix their cars with videos and AI suggestions

10/ Pet Talks

AI camera to translate animal actions and gestures into words to help pet owners understand what their pets are thinking

Ring for bunny rabbits


11/ Easy Read

Chrome extension for English learners that lets you click to replace complicated words found in websites or papers

Toucan but for English

12/ BAS Climate Action - 🎖️Sustainability prize

AI agent that identifies areas where businesses can implement relevant UN-catalogued Cooperative Climate Initiatives

Deep research for building sustainable businesses

Are you a hacker dying to work on the most ambitious AI projects? We’re hiring interns, DM’s open

That’s all I could film! Huge shoutout to @MLHacks @hackwithtrees @Stanford

Want to see more hacks, AI agents, and demos? Follow @AlexReibman @AgentOpsAI

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