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Constitutionalist 1776 🇺🇲America First 🇺🇸 Political Junkie🇺🇸 Happily married🇺🇸Heritage American

Mar 3, 35 tweets

Welcome to the Balfour Declaration 2.0

Ukraine is turning into the new Israel.

Jews flooded the streets of Amsterdam, chanting, "We will rape white women and drink your blood".

Thread 🧵

Over 14,000 Jewish immigrants from Israel and across other parts of the world arrived in the small city of Uman, in Ukraine this month.

Jews entering into Ukraine

Chabad’s Heavenly Jerusalem Project

Credit @hippyresident


How nuclear-armed Ukraine could become ‘Europe’s Israel’ | Ukraine: The Latest

In 2022 Ukraine announced it will start issuing a CBDC which will be tied to their Digital Identity platform ‘Diia app’. All part of the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. Alex Bornyakov, Digital Transformation Deputy Minister & head of Diia City Project.

The Balfour declaration 2.0 was signed between the UK and Ukraine in January 2025, securing the land and minerals for the greater isreal project.

Credit @corvus_usa

Lord Jacob Rothschild admitted that his ancestors paved the way for The Creation of Israel forcing the British Government into signing the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

Benjamin H. Freedman

The Balfour Declaration

(I've included the link to the entire speech.)

Documents in relation to the Balfour Declaration.

Interesting Documentary that is relevant to the thread.

How Britain Started The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Part 1


How Britain Started The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Part 2

How Britain Started The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Part 3

George Soros set up his foundation in the Ukraine in 1990. Two years before the "independence" of Ukraine.

The Soros Empire & Ukraine Connection

Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire

Credit @RomanEmpire1993

American Journalist Gonzalo Lira, who was killed by Zelensky, exposed Bursima connections to the Bidens & Israeli billionaire Igor Kolomoyski.


Fake Breakup Of The Soviet Union Exposed! Leninist Strategy Anatoliy Golitsyn New Lies For Old

Part 1

Credit @RomanEmpire1993

@RomanEmpire1993 Fake Breakup Of The Soviet Union Exposed! Leninist Strategy Anatoliy Golitsyn New Lies For Old

Part 2

Credit @RomanEmpire1993

Ukraine “Big Israel Project”

Credit @zadokq244514

I believe this is the first time I've ever seen Zelensky wearing a suit. thegrayzone.com/2022/09/17/zel…

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