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American Propagandist 🇺🇸 @arenamagdotcom @LoveLettersUSA

Mar 3, 9 tweets

In this thread, I will dissect the hateful, sloppy NYT opinion piece attacking @elonmusk for being an Afrikaner.

It took me 15 seconds to confirm that the author, a socialist whose site the NYT calls "independent," is actually being bankrolled by... George Soros

Real shocker!

The crux of the article is that Elon Musk is a white supremacist because he was raised in apartheid South Africa, and his support for Trump, capitalism, and America is all rooted in racism.

"Free Enterprise" is given scare quotes!

You can feel the immense racial hatred emanating from every paragraph. It's palpable.

White. White. White. Evil. Evil. Evil.

If you don't understand how socialist socieities descend into mass murder, this is how. Blood guilt. Sins of the father. Hatred of private property.

The defamation isn't just extended to Elon. Also: David Sacks and Peter Thiel (one born in SA, one spent time in German Namibia as a child)

The author defends "land restitution" as a "broadly accepted norm" - even comparing it to eminent domain

Murdering white farmers and stealing their land! God forbid anyone oppose that!

Let's discuss how this worked out in Africa before...

Samantha Power, the USAID administrator under Biden (not exactly a MAGA) covered the Zimbabwe collapse in 2003

The black government murdered white farmers and stole their land. Grain yields fell 90%. 90%!

The people who support this are psychopaths.

The author, William Shoki, goes out of his way to specifically defend Zimbabwe, which is maybe the craziest thing here.

Zimbabwe is such a disaster that they've printed $100 trillion bills.

Only black communist intellectuals benefit from this. African populations suffer

William Shoki, the author, is editor of "Africa is a Country" ("independent publication" says NYT)

The first partner listed on their website? Open Society Foundations.


Luckily, this type of stuff doesn't work anymore. South Africa is a failed state. Zimbabwe even worse.

We are honored to have Elon (and David and Peter, and all the rest) as citizens in the United States of America.


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