Jennifer McWilliams Profile picture
I help Americans protect their children’s innocence & freedoms | Co-Founder @couragehabit | 🛍️ | Courage After Dark

Mar 11, 9 tweets

Why There Is So Much Porn In K-12?

There are 40+ states with an Obscenity Exemption Statute (OES) that allow schools to provide pornographic materials under the guise of education.

This is why schools will give parents a big🖕

You need legislative action to stop it 🧵

So why do we have an OES? Alfred Kinsey, the child abusing ped0, “father of the American sexual revolution” paved the path. More information here in my July 2022 thread below:

Organizations like "Every Library" and the "American Library Association" have launched massive campaigns to fight all efforts to remove harmful materials from schools.…

In 2021, I anonymously launched a FB initiative, "Mary In The Library". The purpose was to bring awareness of the obscene materials flooding our school libraries. I did this after the IN legislators blew off our concerns.

A couple years later, a law was passed repealing OES.

It is critical for people to understand, our education system has been captured by people who believe that not allowing minors to access obscene materials means that you are abusing & oppressing children.

Unfortunately, 40+ states have laws that agree.

The amazing Dr. Judith Reisman paved the way for people to take action against this crime of humanity.

She did the work and stood up when NOBODY else did.

I recommend researching her work completely but AT LEAST watch this interview:

2025 is the year we take action!

Go to your legislators, educate them, work with them & repeal all Obscenity Exemption Statues!

Turn your Outrage into an Outlet. Use our tool "OES"…

In 2021, I was fortunate to have an opportunity to be involved in this documentary from "Fearless Features".

You can view the trailer below; full viewing is available here

I recommend everyone watch it and remember...this was made in 2021.

We @CourageHabit have a huge catalogue of actionable tools for the everyday parent. You won’t find anything comparable.

If you value our work please consider a donation so we can continue fighting to protect children and parental rights.

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