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Mar 12, 9 tweets

Russian Nuclear Forces are used as assault infantry in the Toretsk direction.
In November 2024, trucks belonging to the 🇷🇺 12th Main Directorate crossed the border into Ukraine near 47.845276, 39.762979.
At that time we didn't know what their purpose was.
Now we do.

How did we identify the trucks? The double digit number on the right side of the license plates, "39", is exclusively used by the 12th Main Directorate (12 GU MO) and can be seen on every vehicle.

In December, a video of another unit showed up for the first time, also in Toretsk. The "20th Regiment". Subordination was unclear, peripheral information, like Military Unit Number (MUN), subordination and origin completely missing.

However, the MUN could recently be determined, and with that, a lot of the previous unknowns are now solved.
MUN: 43879
Attached to: 132nd Motor Rifle Brigade
Area of Operation: Southern Toretsk / Nelipivka / Shcherbynivka

This isn't the interesting part tho. Just another Motorized Rifle Regiment? No. Two other MUNs have been mentioned in connection with this unit, namely 25625 and 73752.
Former is "Khabarovsk-47" and the latter the previous 1508th Repair Base, both subordinated to 12 GU MO.

The first mention of the Nuclear Forces Motor Rifle Regiment we found was in July 2024, so they likely started forming in mid 2024.
One soldier noted that they entered Horlivka on November 13th, which is roughly the date they entered combat.

There are even additional soldiers from nuclear units going missing near Toretsk.
Irkutsk-45: MUN 39995 (likely the current MUN of 73752)

Great additional information (in German, use the translate feature)
Shows soldiers that highly likely belong to the 20th Regiment being decorated

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