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Founder/CEO, Martin Capital. "Philosopher Capitalist" - Guardian. Anti-Communist. Former SBC Executive Committee officer. Part of the team that started PayPal.

Mar 14, 12 tweets

🚨 BREAKING: While he was Vice President, Joe Biden used PRIVATE email for classified info

NEW docs reveal MASSIVE security breach


1/ BOMBSHELL documents from National Archives showing Biden routinely handled sensitive government info through private Gmail account.

That account was NOT secure. Potential exposure to countless foreign operatives.

Normal people would get life in prison.

This is HUGE. 🧵

2/ We're talking Obama briefing materials, Situation Room meetings, foreign leader calls - all sent to Biden's PRIVATE email (

Let that sink in.

3/ SHOCKING: Over 82,000 pages of emails found using fake names! That's MORE than Hillary's email scandal.

The Deep State tried to hide this. 🤔

For everyone else, even ONE email like this would send you to prison for YEARS. JUST ONE.

4/ A "two-tiered" justice system is a systematic injustice.

But Democrat leaders can do ANYTHING with classified documents and NOBODY CARES.


5/ And you have to understand: a PRESIDENT can classify or de-classify ANYTHING. Total control.

But Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, and National Security Advisors have no such power. They have to follow the law.

Yet they go after President Trump.

6/ Former CIA analyst confirms: "Biden believed he didn't have to abide by classification regulations."

This is the SAME guy who kept classified docs in his garage!

7/ HOW is this okay??? You KNOW what the Democrats said about the importance of classified documents when they raided Trump's home.

Never mind that he had power to declassify the docs (and Biden's team sent some to him unsolicited).

Now we know Biden was leaking like a sieve.

8/ Get this: Biden was getting intel about NSA leaks, Iraq policy, and Israel through GMAIL. Yes, you read that right. GMAIL.

Because THAT'S safe from Russian/Chinese/Iranian/North Korean intelligence.🤦‍♂️

9/ Security experts are ALARMED: "Government systems are monitored for threats. Private emails can be attacked, monitored by providers."

Biden put national security at RISK. Just like Hillary with her homebrew mail server.

10/ The TRUTH is clear: Biden had a PATTERN of mishandling classified info for YEARS before he was President.

Special Counsel Hur found exactly that, but said Biden was too senile to prosecute.

Our enemies are getting our most vital secrets FROM DEMOCRATS.

Time to prosecute.

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