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Republican State Delegate and Precinct Chair. Sarah Uncensored Podcast. Investigative Journalism. Army Veteran. Parent/Child Advocate

Mar 18, 18 tweets

🚨 Harry Sisson convinced 11 different women that 'he had no roster' and 'respected them for more than their bodies' while persuading them to send explicit photos of themselves through Snapchat, including one from a domestic abuse survivor.

When the women discovered each other one by one, he called them all insane and attempted to coerce one of them into telling the public that the photos were 'fake.'

A Request to the Reader - Set political differences to the side. I believe both sides of the aisle can agree that this is unacceptable behavior from a man-child with collectively over 2 million followers.

Thread here 👇

Several of the women involved have made their stances public, but the videos are not receiving much traction. While Harry Sisson continues to collect millions of views for his videos claiming that he is a supporter of women and a champion for women’s rights.

Carlee, one of Harry’s victims, has described the situation in the most detail.

Summary of her videos - According to Carlee, Harry “wooed” her from the very beginning. And convinced her that he respected her for more than physical appearance. She said even though she’s embarrassed to admit it, she created a private chat to chat with Harry that was meant for his eyes only, where she shared explicit photos of herself with him. “He loved it. He loved that I was not entertaining anyone else the way I was entertaining him”. Harry told her that she was “wifey material” and was “sold” on her wife applications.

After six months of this behavior, he told her he didn’t want a commitment. She accused him of leading her own. To which he admitted to doing. But also said “he should have made his intentions clear”. 😑

Directly after this, Harry posted a photo of a “thirst trap” of him and his new girlfriend on TikTok. The video shows him lying in bed with a girl while she provocatively swipes her hand across his face.

Prior to the thirst trap, Carlee watched Harry go live and observed hickeys on his neck from a DIFFERENT girl. She confronted Harry, and he told her she was “overreacting”.

Carlee had recently been through a traumatic car accident and was dealing with depression at the time. Carlee stated that Harry pounced and took advantage of her sadness.

Carlee decided to go live on TikTok to share her story, and this when she discovered that during the nine months that she was talking to Harry, Harry was leading multiple other women on at the exact same time. He had told them the exact same things and had convinced them to send him explicit messages through the Snapchat platform. Harry had told the other woman that he “had no roster”.

Please be patient with me. It’s a long thread. X WONT ALLOW ME to post them all at once. I’m having to do this one at a time.

Receipts of Harry’s snaps to Carlee. Part 1.

Receipts of Harry’s snaps. part 2.

One in particular states “I’d f*ck you raw after the wine tasting”.

Here are other receipts of Snapchat provided by other accounts. It is unclear who these Snapchats were sent to.

Quote from Carlee. “I'm fighting for accountability not only for myself, but on behalf of everyone who believed this guy was someone he's not. to this day, he has yet to acknowledge that he did anything wrong, and that's really sad. however, i have to say I am beyond blessed and, frankly, shocked to have connected w so many amazing people over this horrible experience. thank you for confirming that my feelings throughout those 9 months were valid.”

As more women came forward, it was determined that 11 women were played by Harry.

Another victim of Harry, Sara, provided a long detailed video of her experience. I clipped it for the sake of time, but you can find her full video on the TikTok platform.

Sara is a DV survivor. She had posted about her DV experience in October of 2024 for DV awareness month. Receipts are of her and her ex. Following this experience is when she was convinced by Harry to share explicit photos of herself, and was told that she was "the only one"

More of Harry’s lies.

One of the women, who is terrified of Harry’s retaliation, has stated that Harry assured her the screenshots were all fake. But also told her that “he doesn’t feel bad about lying about personal things”.

He told her he “didn’t lie to her, though”.

He then asked her if she wouldn’t mind telling people that she had seen screenshots from him “proving they were fake”, even though she had not.

I have been provided the evidence for this. However, she does not want to have the screenshots provided publicly.

If the status of this changes, I will provide receipts.

Harry’s video of his “thirst trap”.

It is unclear if his new girlfriend is aware of the other women. But after today, I’m pretty sure she will be made aware.

Harry has not apologized for his behavior. And called all of these women “insane” as seen at the top of the thread.

End thread.

As a survivor of DV, and the parent of a child who survived SA (both of us were doxxed by Harry two years ago), I will NOT tolerate any degrading comments about these women. They are all young. I believe they have definitely learned a lesson here. (At least I hope they did). Harry is a narcissistic abuser who took advantage of a dozen women at the same time for nearly a year.

I do not condone the behavior of these women. But I do know what it feels like to be manipulated by a narcissist when I was younger.

Nasty comments such as “they deserved it” or calling them derogatory names will result in a block.

Diana, another woman, tells her story.

ANOTHER woman who claims to have known Harry for years (since they were teens) has come by forward. She states that Harry is predatory and manipulative and that he’s been doing this for a very long time. She also stated that when she first came forward, that no one believed her.

We believe you, Hannah.

Harry has me blocked. Just for everyone’s info.

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