#JFKFilesRelease #JFKassassination #JFKRecords
Some interesting information that I have found so far in the release of JFK ASSASSINATION FILES ‼️‼️‼️
Hint* The government knew of Kennedy’s assassination plot before it happened
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We’ll start off with this banger, a letter from Sergyj Czornonoh, trying to warn the U.S. Government months prior that there was an assassination plot to kill the United States President, John F. Kennedy.
The American Vice Counsel, Department of State, Director of Special Counselor Service Department, The FBI & the US House of Representatives were alerted of an assassination plot to kill JFK..
Wanna know what they said? “So what.”
Whoever this guy Sergyj Czornonoh is, he should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He tried multiple times to warn the U.S. Government of the plot to kill Kennedy, he was severely tortured by our police officers, our government tried to use him as a patsy for another botched assassination attempt, he was poisoned and lied about. He’s a hero of you ask me. #MKultra #MindControl #CIA #chemicalwarfare #MK #TraumaBasedMindControl
In case you didn’t know, world leaders and governments around the world have worked to keep the JFK files out of the public’s reach for decades.
Russia, Russia, Russia… No, Oswald was not KGB, and he was a very poor shot.
In this mass data dump of the #JFKFilesRelease there is copious information on the Cuban Missile Crisis. It appears the CIA was hyping up President Kennedy to invade Cuba in a set up. The CIA totally infiltrated Cuba and I believe they are still running South America from that vantage point today. Oh, and the Catholic Church is involved.
Durning the time of JFKs assassination, there was a plethora of budding communist parties embedded within our country, hidden in plain sight. Why was this list kept from us back then? How have these organizations morphed into modern day communist parties?
Below I listed a few of these communist parties:
1. Veterans Against Discrimination of Civil Rights
2. Washington Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights
3. Santa Barbara Peace forum
4. Ukrainian-American Fraternal Union
5. Pacific Northwest Labor School, Seattle , Washington
6. Labor Council for Negro Rights
7. Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
Please feel free to add any other information you have found in the #JFKFilesRelease
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