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Ex-Politician | Journalist | Director @CitizenGO_AU No to globalism. No to tyranny. Yes to truth. 📢 Subscribe →

Mar 20, 17 tweets

🇬🇧🪦 Britain is collapsing.
Not by accident. Not by mismanagement.
This is a controlled demolition of a once-great nation.
Mass migration. Economic ruin. Cultural decay.
Here’s how they did it—and why every Western nation is next. 🧵👇 1/17

Britain used to be a powerhouse.
🚀 Industrial giant
💪 Military strength
🔥 Cultural leader
Now? A bloated bureaucratic nightmare drowning in crime, chaos & wokeness.
This is war on a nation’s soul. 2/17

Britain now has:
❌ More regulations than legal rights.
❌ More bureaucrats than doctors.
❌ More admirals than warships. [See: ]
❌ More ideological bickering than common sense.
Britain isn’t a country anymore—it’s a prison of its own making. 3/17

While the ruling class obsesses over gender pronouns & “offensive” speech…
🚨 7.2 MILLION Britons struggle to eat
🚨 22 MILLION live in inadequate housing
🚨 Homelessness at record levels
This is deliberate. 4/17

Outside London’s elite bubble, Britain’s GDP per capita is barely better than Eastern Europe.
But while Eastern Europe rises after shedding communism… Britain sinks further into managed decline. 5/17

How did this happen? Step by step, piece by piece, the globalist machine broke Britain’s back.
🔹 Wages stagnant since 2007
🔹 Homeownership impossible for young Britons
🔹 Energy, housing, & food prices skyrocketing
They want the UK citizenry poor. 6/18

Mass migration has turned British cities into war zones.
☠️ Gangs run entire neighborhoods.
☠️ Police ignore violent crime to chase down @X and @facebook users for "hate speech."
☠️ Britain’s justice system isn’t about justice—it’s about control. 7/17

How did we get here?
The Cold War victory made Britain weak.
Elites declared “The End of History.”
Meanwhile, Marxists and globalists worked behind the scenes to destroy the nation from within. 8/17

The first blow? Financialization of the economy. [See: ]
🚨 Industry abandoned for banking & speculation
🚨 Working class tossed aside
🚨 Corporate elites got rich off the destruction
They sold the country out. 9/…

Then came the next wave: Demographic replacement.
Instead of empowering British workers, they imported cheap labor.
Then, they opened the floodgates.
No assimilation. No concern for culture, crime, or consequences. 10/17

In the early 1990s, Britain was 90% native British.
Now? Over HALF A MILLION new arrivals every year—many refusing to integrate.
And both Labour and the Tories let it happen. Because they don’t serve you. 11/17

They serve their real masters.
The native British public? They're just a herd of tax cows—bled dry to fund a system designed to replace them.
Native Britons are trapped while foreign oligarchs and elites thrive. 12/17

The British public are stuck with:
🔹 Soaring taxes
🔹 Mass migration
🔹 Cultural erasure
This isn’t incompetence.
This is a controlled demolition of the nation. 13/17

Traditional values? Destroyed.
Religion? Mocked and attacked.
British architecture? Replaced with soulless concrete boxes.
Dissent? Criminalized as ‘hate speech.’
Britain’s decline was engineered. 14/17

And the decline is also coming for YOU:
🇦🇺 Australia
🇨🇦 Canada
🇺🇸 USA
And the rest of the West.
Complacency will destroy us all. Britain is just the test case. Which Western nation will be next? 15/17

But the war isn’t over.
Britons are waking up. People see through the scam.
The globalist grip is slipping.
We can take our nations back. But time is running out. 16/17

If this thread opened your eyes, share it. 🔄
Follow me [@NationFirstAust] here on X for more!
And if you want the real truth they won’t tell you, subscribe to my blog where the full story on Britain's decline will run tomorrow 17/17

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