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Husband • Dad • United States Senator for Missouri • Diehard #STLCards fan

Mar 20, 10 tweets

The Tesla attacks are getting worse.

Arson. Molotov cocktails. Bouts of gunfire.

This isn't new. The Left has used violence as a political tool for decades.

Only one thing can stop this. In the words of Pat Buchanan: "Force, rooted in justice, and backed by moral courage." 🧵

Since January 6, 2021, we've been fed round-the-clock hysteria about "domestic terrorism" from the Right.

This is what the kids like to call "gaslighting."

The truth is, since the 1960s, political violence has overwhelmingly been a product of the Left.

Make no mistake: This isn't just a few fringe radicals. Sure, they're the ones who are out there tossing Molotovs in the streets. But the entire institutional Left—from the media to the education system to the Democratic Party itself—colludes to encourage, justify and excuse it.

In 1971, the Weather Underground—a far-left terrorist group—actually bombed the Capitol building, planting an explosive device in a ground-floor bathroom.

In 1983, another left-wing militant group called the Armed Resistance Unit detonated a bomb outside the Senate chamber.

In 18 months from 1971-72, we had 2500 domestic bombings—more than 5 a day.

But most Americans don't remember this. Why? Because the Left controls the schools, the press, the whole system of organized culture—so it's been erased from our popular memory.

We've seen the same thing with the Tesla attacks today. Most respectable voices on the Left won't go so far as to outright ENDORSE the violence, of course—but they'll distract, equivocate, and soft-peddle it.

Here's a textbook example of how that works:

Oh, they'll walk right up to the line—but always with just enough plausible deniability.

As deranged leftists open fire on Tesla dealerships, they'll post articles titled "Kill Tesla" with pictures of burning cars, and then claim that they were just talking about a boycott.

But this is how the playbook always works. From the BLM riots, to the mob harassment of Supreme Court justices, to assassination attempts against Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, the violent radical arm of the Left always gets the wink-and-a-nod from the "respectable" liberals.

In a healthy political system, this lawlessness would be equally unacceptable to both sides. It would be good for America to have a Democratic Party that didn't encourage, excuse, and make common cause with violent leftists—let alone actively try to bail BLM rioters out of jail.

But that's not what we have. So we must respond to this new era of political violence with the full force of the law. The decades-long practice of coddling leftist terrorists has been a disaster for our country. It taught the Left that these tactics work.

That has to end.

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