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OVHcloud.Jezby.Shadow.Qwant.Poweend.MFF.married.1+2 daughters.

May 9, 2017, 15 tweets

#Ovh Weekly News: week 19

#Ovh can't wait to have more place and hire more and more in Roubaix Valley. Here #2 ans soon we start #3 :)

#Ovh DC Singapour: in 10 weeks, the disconvery offer should be "sold out" .. selling fast 1500 dedicated servers .. :)

#Ovh Sydney: the discovery offer is UP :)

#Ovh DC Roubaix: The dry cooling the watercooling in RBX7

#Ovh DC Strasbourg,FR: the first level of the tower #SBG3 is done

#Ovh DC Limburg,DE: soon we start the discovery offer :)

#Ovh DC Vint Hill,VA: the roof, a long story .. soon "the end" :)

#Ovh DC London,UK: work in progress

#OVH Completes Acquisition of VMware’s vCloud Air Business

Welcome the vCloud Air team in #Ovh, an 2000 people Hybric Cloud Leader :)

Today, vCloud Air Powered by #OVH sales training started in US. Next week, let's continue with the tech training in Roubaix Valley :)

#Ovh DC London,UK: step by step :)

#Ovh DC Strasbourg,FR: another step for SBG3, another DC for 40000 servers :)

#Ovh 10G Sydnet,AU <> Singapour,SGP is UP. The latency dropped from 310ms to 140ms.

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